“Certainly, Master Steed,” I say sharply, hoping the bite in my words disguises the way I tremble at his touch.
“I like that,” he answers and I roll my eyes.
“Of course you do, Neanderthal,” I mumble and drag him to the starting point.
Landon and I are in the lead again and it almost makes me want to ditch my plan, but then I remember the way he looked down at me in the lake and I plod on. We get to the part of the course near a path leading to the docks and I glance quickly to make sure Dale is distracted.
“Okay, now turn left and walk straight for about a hundred paces. We’re ahead of the others and this is the last part of the course.”
“A hundred? Does X mark the spot?” he asks with amusement and I grin silently.
Yes, it does and once you’re sopping wet and mad as hell I’m going to saunter away with a big fat smile.
I stop just as he takes his last step on solid ground, watching eagerly for the commencement of my revenge.
“Landon, stop!” I spin to see Dale sprinting our way. The splash says it all though. I got him.
“Oops!” I say in singsong over my shoulder and walk past Dale. “We forfeit.”
* * *
I’d locked myself inmy cabin right away and ignored the banging on my door for the rest of the weekend. Even when my father knocked, knowing my disobedience would result in him ignoring me for weeks after he’d lectured me, I refused to come out. Claiming to be sick, I even skipped meals, living off minibar snacks instead.
But now as I sit on the bed with my packed suitcase at my feet I actually do feel sick. Thanks to my mother finally confessing, I now know that Landon Steed has no idea about the proposal. The arrangement I thought he concocted was actually my father’s idea. I should have known but I guess it was easier to make Steed the villain.
And as if that’s not enough, my mother also told me if Landon doesn’t agree to my father’s proposal, the merger’s off and I’ll be stuck with Hattori.
I step outside my cabin, peeking quickly around before setting my bag down to lock the door. My mind is on nothing more than getting out of Pinehaven Lodge without seeing Landon, but as I slide the key into the lock Landon speaks.
“I knew you’d eventually have to leave the room.”
“Shit!” I clutch my chest. “You scared me!” I accuse. He’s leaning up against the side of the cabin, his hands in the pockets of his thickly belted jeans. My heart pounds so hard I think it might even be audible to the bears in the mountains.
“We need to have a little discussion before we check out.” Landon closes the gap between us and takes the keys from my hand. “Shall we?” He gestures, pushing open the cabin door.
I look at his stern face, piercing green eyes, and firm flat mouth, and swallow hard. His finger taps the door impatiently. My eyes drop to his belt and then back to his face. He gives me a half smile.
I’m just about to go in when a honk has us both turning. My brother and Grant pull up in a club car. “You guys ready?”
“I’ve never been more ready in my life!” I say, grabbing my bag and jogging to the car before Landon can speak. Jumping in the back, I prattle on about how badly I need a Tim Horton’s coffee.
Landon climbs in wordlessly beside me after locking up my cabin. He doesn’t need to speak. I know exactly what’s going through his head.
His belt, my ass, and revenge.