Page 12 of Wilderness Daddy

Chapter Three


We’re all waiting for the valet to bring our cars. My father’s acting strange, shifting from foot to foot, anxious about something. I wonder if things went as badly for him as they did for me. Glancing at Akari, I watch her cheeks flush. I’m dying to get my hands on her and show her exactly what I think of her trick, but something’s not right. Something’s going on and I know she knows what it is.

“Should we tell them now before we leave?” my father asks, suddenly stopping mid-pace, his head popping up. My gut immediately tenses.

“Akari knows already, but yes, please fill Landon in,” Takahashi says, watching me too closely. I’m confused as I look at everyone. Grant looks as puzzled as I do and that’s a comfort but the others put me on edge, especially Akari.

Little Miss Takahashi’s eyes are on mine and they’re filled with apology. Mr. Takahashi, still wearing his poker face, looks between my father and me, and his wife wrings her hands and worries her lip. Even the creepy Mr. Miyagi dude, Hattori, wears an odd expression. I get the feeling he has stakes in whatever’s going on.

“All right, what’s the deal?” I ask, annoyed.

“Landon?” My father waits until I’m looking at him to continue. “Mr. Takahashi and I have agreed that in order to make this merger a success we should join families.”

My brows rise, not understanding, but when I catch Akari’s tightened jaw and watery eyes, warning spikes in my gut.

“Wait. What are you talking about?” My blood begins to pound and again I stare at everyone. George looks like he wants to grab his sister and run. Grant is as confused as me.

“You and Akari will be married,” my father clarifies and clears his throat.

I imagine I look somewhat like a deer in headlights as I stand shocked. There’s no way I am marrying a stranger. No. Fucking. Way. Especially one as bratty as Akari Takahashi. But as I take in her tearful expression, I feel protective. She doesn’t want to marry me either. That’s why she’s been a complete jerk.

“You knew,” I accuse, pointing a finger at her. Akari swallows hard, wipes her eyes where a small tear has slipped out, and turns her head away but not before giving me one small nod.

I won’t let this happen to her, to me—to us.

“No.” I grab her upper arm and yank her to my side. “We won’t agree to this just so you’ll feel good about a business deal. In my opinion this merger is a bad idea anyway.” My jaw ticks and I stare them all down, one by one. My father and Takahashi glare back. But Sara and George look at their feet and Miyagi grins at me like a cat with a canary.

All the other noise in the lobby silences, but when I look around people are milling about as if nothing has happened. As if two people’s lives haven’t just been thrown in a tailspin.

“Akari!” Mr. Takahashi’s voice is sharp and his daughter jumps slightly, dropping her stare to the floor. She shifts her body to face me.

“I would be honored to be your wife, Mr. Steed.” Her voice is dripping saccharine sweet and feminine, no more than a whisper as she bows submissively to me.

“No, you wouldn’t,” I say in shock. “No, and don’t you bow to me.” I stand her straight with my hands on her shoulders. “No. This is not you! You’re a spitfire, a woman meant to be reckoned with—a force of freakin’ nature! You threw me in the Goddamn lake, for heaven’s sake.”