Hours later, we were in bed.
We'd unpacked some stuff, then eaten some of the dinner Raiden had packed us before retreating to our bedroom.
Our bedroom. I loved that term. For so long, it'd either been 'Cam's bedroom' or 'Micah's bedroom,' but finally, finally it wasourbedroom.
Not for long, a voice in my head reminded.Soon, you'll have to share it with two strangers. Two people who Cam might love more than you.
Scrunching my eyes shut and trying my best to ignore that, I turned on my side, shifting closer to Cam.
He wrapped an arm around me instantly, his nose nuzzling mine as he pulled me close.
I nodded, and Cam sighed, but it wasn't one of his usual sighs of contentment. No, he sounded frustrated, and I wondered if I'd done something wrong.
"I'm worried."
I frowned, gazing into his green eyes as I wondered what exactly he was worried about. I was tempted to take a peek into his mind, but since we were talking about it, I refrained. Cam was never shy with his words, so if there was something on his mind, I was sure he would share it.
"About what?"
Cam gazed at me, his eyes boring into me as if he was the one with telepathic powers. "You."
I gave a soft laugh, raising a brow at him. "Why are you worried about me? I'm fine."
Cam narrowed his eyes at that, and sat up in bed, crossing his legs. Blinking in surprise, I followed suit as his jaw flexed. Was he... angry?
"Don't lie to me, Micah."
I stared at him for a moment, stunned. Then, I felt offended.
"I'm not lying. Why would I?"
Cam shook his head, a growl twisting his lips. "I don't know, but I do know something's not right. Talk to me, Micah, please."
I can't read your mind, he added as a thought, and I scowled. Did he think I enjoyed reading his and everyone else's thoughts? That having a dozen voices in my head the moment I woke up wasfun?
In a distant part of my mind, I knew that my anger was not justified. I was using it as a shield to keep from admitting that Cam was right, that there was something wrong with me.
Why else wouldn't I be excited about finding our other two mates? Why else would I have felt relieved when we didn't find them instead of disappointed like Cam, the way a normal person would?
But I didn't want to admit that to Cam, didn't want to tell him that there was something broken in me. That I wanted to keep him all to myself and I was so fucking scared that he wouldn't want me anymore once he found our other mates.
"There's nothing to talk about." My voice was sharp, and Cam flinched as if I'd hit him. I'd never so much as raised my voice at Cam in all the years we'd known each other. Guilt and disgust at myself filled me as I stared at Cam's pained face, and I scrambled out of bed, unable to bear it a second longer.
I mumbled something about needing air before rushing out of the room, and then I just stood outside the door, unable to decide where to go.
I wanted to be away from that look on Cam's face, but I also didn't want to go too far.
As if knowing exactly what I needed—which she probably did, since she was my familiar—Saaya slinked out of the shadows with a soft meow, wrapped her tail around my ankle, and transported me through the shadows.
Finding myself in the large backyard of our new house, I trudged down the porch and walked over to the pond, settling on one of the large rocks at its edge and burying my face in my palms.
What the hell was wrong with me? How could I have talked to Cam that way?
It was our first night in our new home. We should've been spending it wrapped up in each other, not fighting.