Page 26 of Cam's Treasure

No wonder Cam was so excited to meet our other mates. He was probably tired of dealing with me.

Even though Cam said he didn't mind me listening to his thoughts, there was no way that was true. Who in their right mind would be okay with someone else poking around in their head? He probably only said it so I wouldn't worry, because he was a good man.

At one point or another, everyone got tired of dealing with me. My birth parents had, and so had everyone else in Ravenshire.

Dad and Papa loved me, but even they had wished sometimes that I couldn't do what I did. They'd never made me feel unwanted, not like my birth parents had, but I knew things would be easier if I didn't have this wretched magic.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't hear Cam until large, leathery wings wrapped around me, tucking me in against his huge body as he rested his head on top of mine. He must've been kneeling on the ground to be able to reach me like that.

He rumbled softly, sending vibrations through my whole body, and I couldn't help sinking into his warm hold.

I'm sorry, Cam thought, and the regret he felt almost choked me.

I scoffed, but it came out closer to a sniffle. "Why are you apologizing? I'm the one who snapped at you for no reason."

I've known something's on your mind since we went on our trip, but I kept ignoring it. I'm sorry I didn't ask before. Please, will you tell me what's wrong?

I sighed, knowing I couldn't keep my fears to myself any longer.

If I had to tell Cam, this was the best way to do it. He was in his dragon form, so I wouldn't have to see his reactions on his face. Having his wings wrapped around me made me feel secure, and that helped me find the words too.

"I'm scared," I confessed. "Actually, I'm terrified."

Cam's wings tightened around me in reaction, and I leaned harder into his solid body.

What's frightening you, Micah? Tell me, and I'll destroy it, whatever it is.

I chuckled softly, his solemn promise relieving some of the tightness in my chest. "It's not something you can destroy, Cam. And it's a stupid fear."

Cam didn't say or think anything, waiting for me to continue.

"I'm scared of finding our other mates."



Confusion filled me at Micah's declaration.

You're scared of meeting our mates? Why?

The thought had never, ever occurred to me.

When we first found out we had two more mates out there, sure, it'd taken us a while to get used to the idea. But I'd thought we were equally eager to meet them.

Did that mean Micah hadn't actually wanted to go on the trip? That he'd only done it for my sake?

"I don't know," Micah said, then seemed to realize he was lying again, because he sighed. "Or maybe I do. I just... it's a stupid fear. I know it is. But I can't make myself stop feeling it."

If it's causing you so much pain, it's not stupid.

Micah huffed. "I'm sorry I snapped at you."

I gave him a squeeze, huffing a warm exhale into his hair as I rumbled softly.

"I'm just...I'm worried you won't need me any longer once we find the others."

I blinked, my eyes focused on the flickering water of the pond as I tried to process what he'd just admitted. Was he serious?