Page 83 of Cam's Treasure

I nodded against his chest, though I wasn't quite sure I believed him just yet. My mind was filled with nothing but a cloud of anxiety, and I knew I needed to get it under control if I wanted to be helpful to my mates.

When the sun set, Ember cooked a light dinner since we needed sustenance, but even he and Cam mostly grazed, though with Cam I got the feeling it was because he was excited and not nervous.

After dinner, Micah slid close to me, an unsure look on his face as he tugged at his hair.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, my worry mounting quickly.

"Everything's fine, sorry. I didn't mean to worry you. I was just wondering if you'd be okay joining our mental link? I thought it'd be easier to communicate without speaking once we're out there. But it's okay if you aren't ready for that yet," he added quickly, as if he didn't want to be pushy.

"I'd like that." I'd actually wanted to be a part of their link for a while now, but I hadn't been sure if I could ask.

Micah smiled widely, then took my hand in his, closing his eyes as he hummed under his breath.

For a few moments, there was nothing, and then a new awareness filled my mind.

Hey, Kai. I jumped at Micah's voice in my head, opening my eyes to meet his dark brown ones. The color was similar to mine, but a few shades darker, with miniscule flakes of gold that you could only see when you gazed deep into his eyes.

Swallowing hard, I tried to reply in my mind.Hello, Micah.

Micah grinned, and I jumped again when Cam practically shouted in my mind.

Yay! You're here, finally! Welcome to the link, Kai!

My chest warmed at the sincere joy in his mental voice, and I thanked him, then thanked Micah for adding me.

"You belong with us," he answered easily, and that one sentence hit me right in my heart. I'd never belonged anywhere before, but as I looked around the room at all these people gathered here to help me, I realized he was right. I did belong with them. I belonged here in this house, in Mistvale.

It took another few hours before it was dark enough that Raiden felt comfortable allowing us to leave, and we walked out into the backyard, the dads staying on the back deck.

"Be safe," Raiden said, and it sounded more like a threat than anything, but Cam merely gave his father a bright smile and a quick hug before skipping down to the yard.

I'd been in the backyard quite a few times during the day, thinking of how good it would feel to take a dip in the small pond, and maybe after tonight, I'd finally get a chance to.

"April will keep an eye on you, and we'll be there if you need us," Cassian said, his strange yellow-orange eyes almost glowing in the darkness of the yard.

I loved how protective Cam and Micah's dads were, their love for their sons clear in every word they said. What must it have been like, growing up in a house full of love?

"Okay, everyone ready?" Cam asked, then glanced at me. "I promise I won't let you fall, okay? And Micah will hold you tightly the whole way."

Because of course, since my anxiety over this mission wasn't enough, I was also going to fly for the very first time today. Why hadn't I taken Cam up on his offer before?

Cam shifted into his magnificent dragon form as Ember changed into his equally stunning phoenix, and Micah quickly slipped the harness onto Cam's back with practiced moves.

You'll be okay, Kai,Cam told me in my mind, giving me a fang-filled dragon grin, and I chuckled despite myself. If I didn't know Cam, that grin would've been enough to make me wet my pants, but all I could see in that smile was his playfulness.

Micah helped me climb up on Cam, then slid on behind me, wrapping his arms around my torso firmly. I sank back into his hold as my fingers curled tightly around the harness. It was pretty secure, with space for us to tuck our feet in, and belts that wrapped around individual thighs to keep us in place. Even ifCam turned upside down, we still wouldn't slip out and fall. Yet I couldn't bring myself to let go of my death grip on the harness, and I was glad to have Micah's arms around me.

Ready?Cam asked in my mind, and I shook my head.

Yes, I answered anyway, and he gave a loud rumble before taking off into the sky, leaving the dads and my stomach in the backyard.

Ravenshire, here we come, Cam said, and if I wasn't so worried about falling off, I might've had a moment to worry about where we were headed.

Maybe that had been his plan all along.

