Being back in Ravenshire did not feel good, and I wasn't the only one who felt that way.
Micah stood stiffly beside me, his eyes roaming over our surroundings, his hands curled into fists at his sides.
Slowly, I slid my hand over his, and he glanced at me, his grip loosening enough for me to slip my hand into his.
"Okay?" I asked, and he nodded, then frowned.
"I should be the one asking you that."
I shook my head. My experience in Ravenshire was barely more than a day long and had nothing to do with the place itself, but Micah had spent the first ten or so years of his life here. While I was a little uncomfortable, I didn't have any particular feelings about the place, but I knew Micah did.
Cam and Ember joined us as they shifted back, their eyes scanning the dark.
"Everything looks quiet. Come on. Let's cause some trouble," Cam said, leading the way.
Let's switch to the link so we don't make too much sound, Ember said into the link, and we all nodded.
I sense four, no, five people in there, Cam said, pointing toward the house with his chin.
The house was as big and pretentious as I remembered, and I scowled at it as we slid closer to the wall.
While Cam and Micah's place was also large, it was homey. It looked lived in and loved. This place, though? It might as well be a museum.
We came upon the back door, and Cam glanced at us.
I nodded, and he grinned before twisting the knob and pushing it back, destroying the whole locking mechanism as he pushed the door open.
Ember reached forward, and a fire blazed around the door frame for a moment before going out.
Protective wards, he explained, and I nodded quickly. Of course. Any mage worth his salt would have a few around his house to keep unwanted people out. Unfortunately for Osric, my mates were much, much more powerful than him.
I sucked in a breath the moment I stepped inside, my instincts reaching deeper into the house.
It's here. I can feel it, I said, and Micah's eyes slid to mine.
Cam scanned the empty room, a kitchen that did not look like it was ever used, then turned to me.
Which way?
I pointed toward the right one of the two doors leading deeper into the house, and Cam started forward, Micah and I right behind him while Ember took the rear, watching our backs.
We walked into a sitting room full of gaudy decor and uncomfortable-looking furniture, and I remembered sitting there and wondering how Osric could ever feel relaxed sitting on something like that.
The pull drew me deeper into the house, so I pointed toward the other doorway, and Cam led the way once more.
We'd just stepped into the room when he raised a hand, stopping us in our tracks.
He tilted his head, turning just a little to face a doorway to the left, and I wondered what he was hearing. Was someone there? I tried to remember if I'd been that way in my short visit to this place, but I couldn't. Memories of that night were full of panic for me, and my brain had done its best to bury them.
Someone's sleeping that way, Cam said after a moment, then turned to me.Where do we go?
I pointed to a closed door on the other side of the room and Cam nodded.
When we reached the door, Cam used his strength and magic once again to unlock it, but his grunt of effort told me the wards on this door were much stronger. This had to be it, didn't it?
Cam pushed the door open, and we stepped into a room that made me think of a museum once again.