When I woke up the next morning, I was still surrounded, but it felt different. Blinking my eyes open, I realized why when I found Cam where Ember had been last night.
Micah was still on my other side, and they must've been communicating through their minds, because they looked like they'd been awake for a while. Had they stayed in bed because of me?
"Hey, Kai. Good morning!" Cam greeted, bright as ever, and my cheeks flushed as I mumbled the greeting back.
They gave me some space so I could sit up, but stayed close.
"Ember's making breakfast," Micah said, and Cam grinned.
"That man is spoiling us rotten with all his amazing cooking skills."
"Are you okay?" Micah asked when I hadn't said anything, and I nodded as I tried to find the right words.
"I'm sorry. About..." I waved at me in their bed, unable to phrase it properly.
"Why are you apologizing? Do you know how ecstatic I was to wake up and find you? My dragon was practically dancing in glee!"
I eyed Cam as I wondered if he was telling the truth or just saying it to make me feel better.
"He's right, Kai. We told you you're always welcome here, and we meant it. We weren't just talking about sex, you know. If you need cuddles, you're welcome to join us. If you want to be held, we're your guys. Whatever you need, we're here for you. Always."
When was the last time someone was just there for me? For me to lean on, for me to ask help from?
Tears filled my eyes as I realized the answer: never. In all my life, no one had ever offered to just hold me until I felt better, or to help me solve my problems. I was more than 200 years old, and in all that time, no one had ever been there for me.
No one except my mates.
"Kai?" Micah asked, and the worry in his voice just made my heart ache more. But it was a good ache, the kind of pain that told me I was healing, that I wouldn't have to hurt anymore because my mates would take care of me.
"Thank you," I said in a choked voice, then threw myself at Micah, reaching behind me until my hand found Cam and pulling him toward me until he got the message and draped himself over my back, sandwiching me between them. There was still one part of us missing, but he must've heard ourconversation from the kitchen, because in the next moment, his warmth was at my side, his torso pressing against my arm as he pressed a kiss on top of my head.
"You're safe with us, Kai. And you're loved," Ember murmured, as if he could see right into the center of all my insecurities. I buried my face against Micah's neck as I clung to them, the three men who'd changed my world in the span of a few days, who'd made me feel like I wasn't alone for the first time in my life.
We sat like that for a long time, long enough that my tears dried up, though I still held on to Micah, not wanting to let go of the warmth and safety that surrounded me.
Micah sucked in a sharp breath, and I pulled back, worried. His eyes weren't on me, though. They were focused on a corner of the room that had nothing but shadows. Shadows from which a black cat slinked out, her ears twitching as her green eyes watched Micah.
Saaya was back from Ravenshire.
I knew we should call the dads over before we started planning anything, but my dragon was very determined that this was our mission and we couldn't let the dads take over, which they would if they got involved.
"We need to call them, Cam," Ember said, and I sighed, wishing he wasn't such an adult sometimes. "Not only because they can help, but because they need to know everything in case there are any repercussions."
"You think they'd be daring enough to act against Raiden?" Micah asked before I could, and Ember shook his head.
"No one sane would ever go against a dragon as old and powerful as Raiden, but judging by everything I've heard so far, I don't think many of the mages in Ravenshirearesane."
"Yeah, I agree with that," I said, then sighed. "I'll call DD. But before we jump into this, let's have breakfast, okay? I'm starving."
Kai needs to eat, I added in the mental link, and Micah nodded while Ember smiled widely.
"Good idea. I don't want my efforts to go to waste," he said, and I shook my head at his sneakiness. Kai would never be able to decline the food now.
After a hearty breakfast, my dragon and I sucked it up and I called DD while Micah called Cassian.