Still, it felt different now, with Kai just in the room next door. Not like we were doing something wrong, but like something was missing. Likehewas missing.
"Do you want to wait?" I asked them both, and they shared a glance before meeting my eyes, and then nodded together.
"I don't know why it feels different this time. Maybe because of how close Kai is? I don't know, but I wanna wait. My dragon feels restless with him all the way in the other room."
"At least we're all in the same house," Micah pointed out, and Cam sighed, smiling softly at him.
"Yeah, that's true. Kai seemed like he enjoyed our date today. Do you think he has feelings for us yet?"
Micah shrugged, his dark eyes flickering from me to Cam. "I haven't read his mind, if that's what you're asking. But yeah, I think he had fun. And don't forget the kisses."
Before we'd turned in for the night, we'd all—with his permission—given Kai little pecks on his lips. They'd been barely long enough to call them a kiss, but for a few precious seconds, I'd pressed my lips to Kai's feather-soft ones.
"Hopefully, Kai will be ready to be ours before long. But until then, we're going be good and patient," Cam declared, while Micah and I shared a look.
We both knew the only thing Cam lacked was patience. I just hoped he didn't do something he'd regret.
I was drowning again, and the water was ice cold. I could feel myself freezing, feel my blood turn to ice as I sank deeper anddeeper into the dark blue water.
I tried to swim up, to call on my seal to save me, but I didn't have my coat. Without my coat, I was nothing.
I didn't want to die. I wanted to fall in love with my mates. I wanted to feel their love for me, to be wrapped in their arms. I didn't want to die.
There was a hand in the water, reaching toward me. I tried to raise my arm, to swim up to grab that hand, but no matter how hard I pushed with my feet, I couldn't reach that hand.
I jerked upright with a gasp, my heart thundering in my chest as my teeth chattered. I still felt like I was surrounded by the icy water, and I was having trouble breathing.
Glancing around the empty room, I struggled to my feet on autopilot.
In a blink, I found myself standing in the doorway of my mates' room, my eyes on the three forms curled around each other in the middle of the big bed. They looked so warm. So safe.
I shivered, wrapping my arms around myself, yearning to be surrounded by their comforting warmth. They'd asked me if I'd like to sleep with them. Why hadn't I said yes then?
I jumped, then met Ember's gaze, the blue somehow still bright in the almost-dark as he leaned up to peer at me.
I took a hesitant step inside as Ember watched me, and then he held a hand out to me.
This time, I had no problem rushing across the room to grab it, and he pulled me onto the bed as if I weighed nothing.
"Slide in," he murmured, and I did as he said, slipping in under the comforter between him and Micah.
Micah mumbled in his sleep, then threw an arm over my stomach, pulling me close.
Ember settled the covers over us before wrapping his arm around me as well, and my shivers subsided within minutes, warmth suffusing me as the scents of my mates surrounded me.
"Better?" Ember asked in a low voice, and I nodded, not wanting to wake Micah or Cam. Would they mind my presence? Would they be annoyed that I'd crawled into their bed after saying no when they'd invited me?
"Hey, everything's okay. You're always welcome here, Kai. Did you have a nightmare again?"
I nodded, then turned my head so I could press my face in his chest. He was shirtless, and his chest hair tickled my skin, his scent thick and comforting as I took a deep inhale. He was so warm, so blissfully warm.
"Sleep, my sweet Kai. You'll feel better in the morning."
I hummed against his skin, letting my eyes fall shut. I was surrounded by a dragon, a phoenix, and a telepath. No one could get to me here. I was safe.