“It’s too late to be embarrassed. That man saw you with my whole dick all down your throat.” I laughed as she bumped me with her shoulder and went inside.
About an hour later, after we showered, Mona made her famous French toast, eggs, and bacon since we hadn’t eaten dinner. I made our plates, and we sat in my living room in front of the floor-to-ceiling window to enjoy.
“How do you feel?” I asked.
“That man couldn’t see my face, so I’m not worried about it anymore.”
I smirked at the reminder of what had just happened. “I’m not talking about that. How do you feel about seeing your ex?”
She shrugged. “His behavior didn’t surprise me. He’s still an asshole.”
“The shit he said to you—”
“Rolled right off my back. I allowed that man to hurt me enough while we were married, and thanks to therapy, I refuse to allow it to happen again.”
“That’s great, baby. I wish I could let it roll off my back. I pray I don’t run into him any time soon because I may be unable to restrain myself.”
“He deserves an ass-whupping a day for the rest of his life, but God will handle him.”
I smiled at her response. When I saw her in New Orleans, she was a shell of the woman sitting across from me. Although beautiful, her smile was forced and didn’t reach her eyes a few months ago, nor was the light I saw in them now present back then.
Even still, she sparked something in me when she sat across from me. I could sense that she may have lost hope and given up on love, and my desire to change her perspective was strong.
“I’ll do my best to let God do His thing. You know, I’m convinced that nigga had to be fucking somebody else. Did you have a body double or something?”
My question made her laugh so hard she choked on her food.
“A body double?” she questioned when she gathered herself.
“He had to be fucking somebody else because ain’t a damn thing lazy about the way you fuck. Plus, I ain’t never had pussy so gushy, you suck my dick like you invented giving head, and in a few months, you gon’ have my baby. It had to be a body double.”
“Unfortunately, there was no body double. However, there wasn’t a time when he touched me that my body reacted to him the way it does with you. So, there might be some truth to some of what he said.”
“It was him, not you.” She shrugged. “Tell me what happens when I touch you.”
“I want to know what happens when I touch you.”
“Honestly, you don’t even have to touch me. When you’re nearby,sheknows before my brain has time to process. As soon as we make eye contact, I get goosebumps, and my nipples harden. The closer you get, the more my breathing patternchanges, and by the time you touch me, my panties are already wet.”
We’d finished eating, and our plates had been pushed to the corner. Mona sat in front of me with her back facing the window. The lights in my living room were dim, but the city lights brightened the room beautifully.
“Why are you staring at me like that?”
“Because you’re beautiful… and I’m pretty damn sure I’m in love with you.”
“Oh, Clinton, I…”
My confession probably threw her for a loop and rendered her speechless, and I didn’t want her to feel obligated to return the sentiment if she wasn’t ready.
“You feel like putting on another show?”
A few minutes later, I had her naked with her back against the floor-to-ceiling window while I devoured her pussy. She moaned and screamed out my name in ecstasy as my mouth provided pleasure I was sure she’d never experienced.
When her dam released, her juices covered my face, dripped down my chin, and saturated my chest. I turned her around, bent her over, and she pressed her hands against the window. I eased into her from behind, groaning because it felt like heaven.