“Throw that ass back, baby.”
She used the window as her anchor and did exactly as I requested. If she weren’t already pregnant, tonight would’ve been the night we made it happen. I held tightly onto her waist as her ample ass smacked into my pelvic region repeatedly.
Since she didn’t seem to need my help, I released her waist and used one hand to tickle her nipple and the other to massage her clit. The combination of actions created an abundance of juicy nectar and summoned my nut.
“Baby, I’m about to blow,” I damn near growled.
“Shit, me too.”
We reached the highest point of ecstasy simultaneously, as if our explosions were choreographed. I placed one of my hands on her stomach, surprised by its firmness even though it wasn’t the first time I’d felt it.
She leaned against the window, and I leaned against her as we inhaled and exhaled in sync with each other, basking in the afterglow of our lovemaking.
“Yeah, baby.”
“I’m pretty damn sure I’m in love with you too.”
“How do you want to do this?” I asked Clinton when he mentioned it was time to meet each other’s families and give them the good news.
It was Sunday, and it had been a lazy weekend. We’d slept in, and when we finally stirred, it was almost noon. We had lunch delivered from a nearby restaurant and were currently enjoying it in bed.
“Do you want to bring our families together and tell them all at once, or do it separately?”
“Hmm, I think we should bring them together.”
“Since our birthdays are coming up, let’s invite them over under the guise of it being a birthday dinner.”
While in New Orleans, we’d discovered our birthdays were a week apart.
“That’s a good idea, but my apartment isn’t big enough for both of our families and friends.”
“True, and mine is big enough for our immediate family, but parking would be hell. Plus, I have to invite my cousins, or I won’t hear the end of it. They’re already giving me shit because I’ve missed our last few gatherings.”
“I hope they don’t blame me. I don’t need them to have something to hold against me.”
“Right now, they think it’s work-related. However, once they hear the news, they’ll figure it out but will be too excited to hold it against you.”
“Have you told your parents or sister anything about me?”
“If my parents knew anything about you, this meeting would’ve happened a long time ago. My sister knows I’m dating someone, but not how serious we are. You can expect her to talk the most shit about me not telling her about the baby as soon as I found out.”
“Oh God. I’m suddenly very nervous about this.”
“Don’t be, baby. My people are good people, and they’ll be too excited about our news to be mad.
“Good. I’ll have to call my brother as soon as our date and location are solidified. I actually told him about you when I returned from New Orleans, but I haven’t told him about us reconnecting or the baby.”
“You think he’ll be excited?” She shrugged. “What about your parents?”
“My parents have been patiently waiting on grandchildren, so they’ll be excited. My stepsisters have one each, but they don’t spend much time with my mother, so she’ll be overjoyed.”
“Do you plan to invite all of your family?”