“Nigga, be serious.”

Evander looked at me with the most serious expression, letting me know he wasn’t joking.

“You don’t want to have them living separately from you when the baby is born.”

“Hopefully, by that time, we’ll be living together. For now, we’re alternating weeks at each other’s places.”

“How long do you think that will last?”

“Hopefully not long, but I’m trying to move at her pace.”

“If I’d moved at Austyn’s pace, her ass would’ve never told her family we were married. I had to put my foot down.”

I shook my head. “Our situation is a little different, but I hear you. Let me get my ass to my office and get some work done. It’s hard to come to work on Saturdays when there’s a beautiful woman in your bed.”

“You don’t have to tell me.”

I left him in his office and headed to mine, looking at the ultrasound the whole way. I’d never felt a high like this and wasn’t sure I’d ever come down.

The next few hours flew by. I was thoroughly immersed in my work when my cell phone rang, and Mona’s name flashed across my screen. I smiled as I answered on the second ring.

“Hey, baby.”

“Hey, umm, did you make plans for us tonight?”

“No, is there something you want to do?”

“Karla and Lariah invited us to dinner and game night with their husbands.”

“That’s cool. What time?”

“Seven. Are you sure you want to go? I know it’s short notice.”

“We both have to eat, baby. It’s fine. I’m always down for game night.”

“Okay, baby. I’ll see you in a couple of hours.”

“Later, beautiful.”

I was looking forward to cuddling up with Mona and watching movies tonight, but she willingly met my friends, so it was only fair that I did the same. I focused on the documents infront of me for another hour and a half before packing up for the weekend.

“I’m about to head out,” I told Evander when I stopped in front of his door.

“Let me finish the email, and we can walk out together.”

I stepped inside his office and waited. A few minutes later, he gathered his things, and we headed for the elevator.

“Y’all got plans this weekend?” I asked.

“Nah, I think we’re staying in this weekend. You?”

“Tonight we’re doing game night with Mona’s friends.”

“Are they cool?”

“Her friends seem cool, but I haven’t met their husbands.”

“I wonder if their husbands fuck with Winston’s punk ass?”