“You might be right because it took no time for one of them to fertilize my egg.”
“I got plenty more where that one came from.”
We laughed as another knock sounded before the door opened.
“Well, hello, Mona. Who is this fine gentleman?” Dr. Pryor greeted.
“Hey, Dr. Pryor. This is my boyfriend, Clinton. Baby, this is Dr. Pryor.”
I stood and extended my hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Likewise,” she responded as we shook hands. “It looks like congratulations are in order. You two will have your new bundle of joy on or around September twenty-fourth, which is twenty-seven weeks from now.”
“Oh wow! We have an actual due date,” Mona said excitedly.
“You sure do. Why are you just now coming to see me?”
“Umm, well, what had happened was…”
“Nope! I can already tell you’re about to give me a lame excuse.”
“If it makes you feel any better, Dr. Pryor, I haven’t known for very long either.”
“Well, I guess we won’t fuss at you too much. Let’s get set up for the ultrasound so we can see your little one and hear his or her heartbeat. I’ll be right back with the ultrasound machine.”
Dr. Pryor left, and I pulled Mona into an embrace. “You’re really about to have my baby.”
“It looks that way. Are you having second thoughts?”
I released her to look into her eyes. “What? Second thoughts? Fuck no! I couldn’t be more excited to be on this journey with you, baby.”
I pressed my lips against hers, and we got lost in a kiss, not coming up for air until Dr. Pryor interrupted us.
“Uh oh! I see things are getting a little spicy in here,” she teased. “Sorry to interrupt you two lovebirds, but we gotta keep things moving.”
“Areyou trying to wear out my carpet, man? What is that you’re looking at?”
I’d just gotten back to the office after our doctor’s appointment and was still in awe. For the past few minutes, I’d been pacing in front of Evander’s desk, staring at the ultrasound pictures while he finished a phone call.
“It’s the ultrasound. I’m really having a baby, man.”
“That’s what happens when you hit it raw. Congratulations again. Let me see the picture.”
I stopped in front of his desk and gave him the copy. He looked at it for a moment before returning it.
“Seeing that alien on the screen and hearing the heartbeat for the first time makes it real.”
“Tell me about it. I damn near cried when it appeared on the screen. Mona was boohooing like a baby, so I had to keep it together.”
“Wait until she starts to show. You won’t want to let her out of your sight. Have y’all talked about living arrangements?”
“We argued about it last week. She’s not ready for that yet.”
“Bruh, you can’t give her a choice.”
“What do you expect me to do, kidnap her?”
“Shit, I mean, she’s carrying your seed, so I feel like you’d be well within your rights.”