I won’t do that to myself or them.
Entering the house, stale air from the lack of furniture and human bodies over the last year greets me.
The feeling ofhomestill lingers.
I feel it everywhere.
In some ways, the feeling is more vital now than ever. It’s odd how I can feel so connected at the edge of goodbye.
Leading me outside the grand staircase to the dining room, Helen turns towards me, “I’ll be right outside if you need me.”
The sound of her heeled footsteps quiets the farther she withdraws.
Let's get this over with.
Gathering the courage to move, I walk to the empty dining room threshold, unprepared for what awaits me.
My world spins on its axis as I come face to face with Callaway.
My face likely shows my confusion, something he probably expected, given this was not planned.
I’m standing on the opposite side of the room, while Cal stands between the dining room’s floor-to-ceiling bay windows, holding a digital camera. The room is empty, with nothing but white walls and my whole heart a short distance from me.
What is going on?
“Callaway? What are you doing here? Not that I’m not happy to see you, but I am a little confused.”
Hopefully, he won’t take offense to my confusion.
A bright smile lights up his face, one that is very much Callaway but equally screamshe’s up to something. Hmm.
“Can you come here for a second, angel?”
My feet lead me to him while my eyes still search for the buyers I’m scheduled to meet. God, they’d likely back out of the contract if they witnessed the dirty things Cal and I can do while left unattended.
“But where are the buyers? They were supposed to be here already.”
I make it to stand in front of him, my body naturally seeking him. Cal takes my hand as I frantically look around, my panic setting in. I’ve been preparing myselffor this all day, only to come here and have them not show up.
Maybe it’s good they aren't here yet, given the emotional battle I’ve been facing all day.
I need to gather myself.
“They’re not coming.” Excuse me? I must have heard him wrong. Also, how in the hell would he know where the buyers are formyhouse?
“Callaway, what are you talking about? Don’t fuck with me right now.”
The peculiar thing is he looks dead serious—no humor shows on his face.
I need him to explain himself now.
My heart rate is skyrocketing as I struggle to put the pieces together.
Unfortunately, I’ve never been able to act appropriately under adrenaline and high stress. I’d be the victim who would hand over everything I own to a robber and ask no questions before jumping into their car.
Mentally, my brain would beat me up for being so stupid, but it’s a disadvantage I have at the moment.
I carefully pull my hand from his, moving my arms to cross against my chest. Tears fill my eyes as Cal stands still, staring at me twirling the bulky camera strap in his hands. He’s either working on summoning words to say or giving me a second to cool down.