“Can’t?”Again, she struggled against him.
“Can’t, won’t.” He nibbled on her earlobe. “You see, if you don’t go first, then how am I supposed to admit how much it bugged me to see you and Barber acting so damned cozy?”
She went still.
Simon smiled as he explained, “Bonnie kept looking at me as if I were her last meal, and you didn’t even care. You were too busy sharing coffee and food with Barber.”
Dakota could feel Simon all along her back. Hot. Powerful.
All this teasing mixed with seduction put her way out of her element. “It sounds to me like you were the jealous one.”
“Yeah.” His fingers contracted on her belly, gently caressing. He pressed a damp kiss to her nape. “Barber’s okay. I like how he defends you, and I’m glad he was there for you when you needed him. But it pisses me off that he wants you.”
How asinine. “He doesn’t.”
“Yeah.” Simon turned her to face him, and he looked very serious. “He does.”
He took her mouth again, deeper this time, just as he’d said he would. But he didn’t lean into her, didn’t smother her with his closeness.
He scooped his hand down to cuddle her bottom. It was the oddest feeling to Dakota, to have a man kneading her derrière and groaning softly about it. It was Simon’s reaction to touching her more than the touch itself that excited her.
“Damn, Dakota.” He put his forehead to hers. “Mallet wants you, too, you know.”
She started to roll her eyes—and his hand came around to wedge between her thighs. Her breath hitched, her heart skipped a beat, and a wave of heat rushed through her.
Simon looked at her, gauging her reaction, and Dakota tried to be blank, to show no emotion so that he wouldn’t stop.
He searched her face, then smiled, and Dakota knew that he was schooled enough to see the difference between fear and arousal.
She was flushed, breathing hard and fast. But she couldn’t help it.
“You are so damned sexy,” he murmured.
Vanity niggled at her comfort zone. “I’m all banged up.”
“I know.” Simon kissed her bruised forehead, the bridge of her nose, the deep scratch on her cheek. “Whoever did this to you, Marvin or someone else, I’d like to find him and stomp his sorry ass into the ground.”
The meaning of the words, and the gentle way Simon said them, left Dakota floundering. He sounded seductive, caring, and furious, all at the same time.
Her eyes were about to close when Simon said, “Let’s get in the hot tub to…ease your sore muscles.”
With his hand still between her thighs, just pressed against her, not really moving, Dakota assumed he had a lot more in mind than merely easing her muscles.
She swallowed, nodded. “Yeah. Sure. Okay.”
Grinning, happy and teasing her, Simon kissed her again. “Bonnie means nothing to me.”
Dakota did not want to talk about Bonnie. “If you say so.”
“I do. And you can always trust me.” He moved his fingers, and it was like a jolt of sensation that ebbed out to every inch of her body. He stilled again. “Dakota? I want to do more than soak in the hot tub.”
God, he made her crazy. “Yeah, Simon, I figured as much.”
His cheek brushed hers as he kissed the side of her throat, her shoulder, under her chin. “You’re okay?”