Her knees went weak. “Simon? What are you doing?”
“Convincing you to stay.” He caught the shoulders of her coat and eased it off her.
She started to tell him what he could do with that idea, but he kissed her again, and her thoughts scattered.
It took her a little longer to remember she was mad about Bonnie, and that she needed to talk to Barnaby, and…
When her coat hit the floor, Dakota recalled herself and pushed Simon back, not hard, but not really easy either. “I don’t see why I should—”
“Come with me.” He caught a fistful of her sweatshirt and tugged her toward the bathroom.
“Wait a damn minute!”
“Why?” In the bathroom, Simon released her and picked up his toothbrush. “I need to freshen up so I can kiss you properly.”
Dakota stared at him.
He brushed with enthusiasm, and glanced at her askance. “What?” he asked around a mouthful of toothpaste.
“I don’t understand you.”
“Which part, honey?”
She shook her head.
“The kissing part?” He spit in the sink and rinsed his mouth.
Dakota had never watched a man brush his teeth. Not even Marvin or her father, definitely not Barnaby. It felt oddly intimate.
Simon grabbed up the hand towel, dried his mouth, and grinned at her. “By properly, I mean really deep and wet and…”
Turning in a rush, Dakota grabbed for the doorknob. The door had barely opened when Simon’s hand landed flat against it and slammed it shut.
Her heart shot into her throat and her brain scrambled to find the right words. Simon crowded in close to her back.
When he said near her ear, “You okay?” she could smell the toothpaste on his breath.
Still grappling with the meaning behind his actions, she asked, “What do you mean?”
Gentle, light, and in no way threatening, his free hand slipped around and opened over her belly. “I’m not scaring you?”
He had a little at first, but his concern took care of that. To brazen through the moment, she said, “No,” and sent her elbow back hard, gouging his abdomen.
It felt like she’d run her arm into a wall. Simon barely grunted.
“Good. I don’t ever want you to be afraid. Not of me, not of anyone.”
His voice was so warm and compelling that Dakota had to force herself to remember that she was annoyed with him. “Let me out of here, Simon.”
“Soon as I apologize.” His palm pressed more firmly against her. “And then maybe you’ll let me kiss you the way I want to.”
Her attention wavered between the warmth of his touch and the promise in his words. “Apologize? For what?”
“For making you jealous.”
“I wasn’t!” She tried to turn, but Simon held her in place.
He nuzzled the sensitive skin behind her ear. “If you can’t admit it—”