She had skills, but she needed to improve in order to fend off an attack by someone like Marvin Dream.
Dakota leaned forward and kissed his chin. “I don’t take chances, Simon. There’s no reason for you to worry about me.”
“It’s not about taking chances. If someone wants to get to you, he can. You can’t live your life and always be protected. The very best defense is preparation. You need to be prepared.”
When she leaned away, that only afforded Simon a better view of her breasts beneath the wet, clinging T-shirt. “I’m not sure what it is you want.”
“You.” He wanted no mistakes about that. “I want you, Dakota. A dozen different ways. I want to be inside you when we’re sitting like this, and I want you over me, riding me.”
“Simon.” Once again, her breathing hitched.
“And I want you under me, unafraid, with your legs around my waist and your face tight with pleasure.”
She bit her lip, and then nodded. “Sounds good to me.”
Simon held her face in his hands. “I want to know that you trust me and that some prick from your past no longer has a hold on your life.”
After letting out a shaky laugh, Dakota said, “Gee. That’s the sweetest thing any man has ever said to me.”
Simon smiled with her. “I think the best way for us to make that happen is to move slowly, at least where sex is concerned. And yes, before you ask, I’ll be fine. Contrary to schoolboy claims, I won’t explode from unrequited lust or suffer painful lasting effects or any of that.”
“No blue balls?” she teased.
Simon shook his head. “I’ll just want you more day to day, but I can handle it.” Hell, he’d wanted her from the moment he laid eyes on her. What would a little more patience hurt?
“Didn’t you just say that guys in training are supposed to skip sex anyway?”
He snorted. “Yeah, right.” If she knew that Dean had told him to “have her and get it out of his system,” she might not understand. “In theory, I guess that’s true. But the only men I know who skip sex are the ones who don’t have an option either way. And then they’re probably unloading on their own, so it doesn’t matter.”
The most comical expression came over Dakota’s face. She choked out, “Unloading?”
With a crooked grin, Simon said, “You get my meaning.”
“Yes, I do. And oh, the visuals it brings to mind…”
Laughing, Simon waggled his head and then drew her close for a teasing, smacking kiss. “Knock that off, woman. It’s time to get serious.” He eased her against him so that her head again rested on his shoulder. “How long have you been divorced now?”
She shrugged. “A couple of years. I’m not exactly keeping count or anything.”
“And in that time, how often have you seen your ex?”
“Hmmm.” While she thought about it, Dakota toyed with his chest hair. “Not that often, really. I’d say he shows up two or three times a year. Occasionally more often.”
Just often enough that she couldn’t relax and forget about him. “He’s threatened you since the divorce?”
“Now that would depend on what you consider a threat. He says things, or looks at me a certain way, and I feel threatened, but you wouldn’t.”
No, he wouldn’t, Simon silently agreed, but then, he hadn’t been raped.
Thinking it enraged him all over again. As Simon gently moved long tendrils of wet hair away from her face, his hand shook. “I already told you that I know you’re smart.” He hugged her tight. “If you feel threatened, then I’m sure there’s a good reason.” After pressing a kiss to her temple, he said, “Dakota…”
“I don’t like that hesitation.”
His arms tightened even more, and he stopped waffling. “Would you mind too much if I asked a few friends to keep an eye on you?”
Surprised, she lifted up to look at him.
“Understand, Dakota. I could have done that without you even knowing. But you’re an independent sort and I don’t want to insult you in any way.”