As Dakota finally eased, resting limply in his hold, he turned her, cradling her on his lap and kissing her. She held on to him, snuggled in close, and damn, but it felt like trust. Bone-deep trust.
And so very much more.
TENminutes later, Dakota was so still and silent, Simon wondered if she’d fallen asleep. He gave her a squeeze. “Hey. You okay, honey?”
“Yeah.” She slowly inhaled, stretched luxuriously. “I’m great.”
He liked the sound of that. “You didn’t hurt your thigh, did you?”
Simon tipped up her face and kissed her. She looked relaxed and as sated as he’d hoped. Smiling in satisfaction, he asked, “Do you want to go in for a nap?”
“I’m not sleepy. Just…sort of amazed and maybe a little self-conscious and kind of tingly all over.”
“Perfect.” He kissed her again. “You’re totally, completely perfect.”
That had her snorting. “Yeah, right. Lack of nookie must’ve made you delirious.” She sat up and, to Simon’s surprise, she straddled his lap again.
“What’s this?”
Shrugging, she looked at his chin and said, “I’m wondering if there’s something I can do for you.”
Sexy, strong, and generous to boot. His smile widened. “There are all kinds of things you can do for me. Later. After I get back from Vegas.”
“What about right now?”
“Right now, I’d like to talk.”
“You’re serious?” She scowled at him, took in his expression, and accused, “Youare.” She made a sound of disbelief. “Good grief, you are the most talkative man I’ve ever met.”
“Most men enjoy a little conversation, Dakota. It’s not unheard of.”
“Really? Even when a near-naked woman is sitting on his lap?” She nodded. “I’m sure guys everywhere would agree with you. I mean, what else would a man have on his mind but some chitchat?”
She had a point. “This is a unique situation.”
“For me anyway. I’ve never been in a hot tub with a man. Never sat on a man’s lap. Never…well, you know. That other stuff.”
“Come with a man?”
Tucking in her chin, she gave him a reproachful frown. “It didn’t need clarification, Simon.”
“I think it did.” Locking his fingers behind the small of her back, Simon ensured she couldn’t bolt away if she didn’t like what he had to say. “There’s something special going on here, and that gives me certain rights.”
Her eyebrows lifted. “Is that so?”
“Spell it out for me.”
Simon took heart in the fact that she didn’t move away. She sounded more curious than offended. “We both know it was probably Marvin who pushed you and attacked Barber.”
“I don’t have any doubts.”
“Neither do I. And that’s why I want you ready and able to defend yourself if it becomes necessary.” Simon knew he couldn’t be with her 24/7. No man could. She was an independent woman who lived her life as she should—free and on her own terms.
He liked and admired that about her. But at the same time, he couldn’t bear the thought of her being vulnerable to a man who’d already abused her.