Beth steps through the front door in black jeans and a cropped T-shirt. Her hair is partially pinned back, with loosewaves framing her pretty face. Her dramatic makeup makes her seem five years older than the girl I rode horses with a half hour ago, as does the look of hostility she grazes us with as she hurries to her car.
“How are things between you two?” I ask once she’s driving away.
Hutch rubs the back of his neck, wincing. “She’s giving me gray hairs, that’s for sure.”
“Because she doesn’t follow your rules?” I reach into my car for my purse.
“You should have seen what she wore the other night.”
“She has a right to express herself.”
“This is my baby sister we’re talking about here.” He inhales through his nose, like he’s trying to keep his cool. “I just don’t want her acting out to get attention.That kindof attention.”
I remember his reaction to Zach showing up. “Who would be her target? You?”
“Maybe. We’re hardest on the people we love,” he says with a hard sigh.
Don’t I know it.
I force down a swallow to reclaim my bearings. “She feels safe enough with you not to hide her feelings. I’d count that as a win.”
“Someone had been texting Marin from a burner phone. What if there’s some creep out there luring girls into a trap?”
This has been on my mind, too. “Then Zach and Everett and the rest of their team will find him and put a stop to it.”
Hutch nods, but his eyes stay focused on some distant place. “You’re right.”
I slide the spare key from my purse and drop it into Hutch’s big palm. “Beth knows you’ve got her back.”
He closes his fist around my key. “What about when I’m gone?”
An ache pulses through me. I don’t want to think about Hutch shipping off again. But it’s the truth. He’s not staying, and I damn well better remember it.
“She’s got plenty of people here.”
He huffs a sigh. “I’ll feel a whole lot better when Marin’s killer is in custody.”
“We all will.”
I’m just leavingwork when a text message from an unknown number flashes on my screen.
Hi Ava. This is Chris Tisdale. My aunt Tracy gave me your number
My mind spins for an instant before it clicks. This is the scientist guy Louisa wanted to set me up with.
No pressure at all, but would you like to meet for coffee sometime?
I tell myself it’s just coffee.
What’s your favorite spot?
Love Buzz on Fourth
I’m in town this weekend. Would tomorrow morning work?