“Fine, give him my number. But tell him he’s under no obligation to call me. He might be secretly engaged. Or still getting over someone.”
The red line on Louisa’s heart monitor gives a flutter, but she flashes me a warm smile like she didn’t feel it. She’s never asked about what happened that night six years ago that put distance between me and Hutch, but she’s likely figured it out. I’m just glad it didn’t come between us, because Louisa’s like a second mom to me.
“Enough about me,” I say. “Tell me everything Dr. Shelby shared with you.”
When I finally leave the hospital after my debrief and checking in with my patient, I hurry through the steady drizzle to the parking garage, my footsteps echoing in the vast space. I’m halfway up thestairs when an unfamiliar scratching sound pricks the hairs on the back of my neck.
I pause to listen. I’m alone, right?
“Hello?” I call out. The stairway is poorly lit, but not so dark that I wouldn’t see someone heading down.
I slip my keys from my purse and grip them so my house key pokes between my knuckles. An old trick from my days riding the BART or leaving the campus anatomy lab late at night.
When I reach the landing, I steel myself for a surprise, but the only things here are a handful of parked cars. I scan, my senses on full alert.
Movement from a high corner catches my eye and a swallow flutters from a nest that blends seamlessly with the dark concrete. I release a startled laugh, then shake off my silly nerves.
On my way back to work, I make a stop at The Sweet Spot for one of their peanut butter banana protein smoothies because I don’t have time to eat the sandwich and apple slices waiting for me in my office. Thankfully, only two people are waiting in line.
“Hey, Ava.”
I whip around. It’s Jeremy, dressed in hiking clothes. He must have come in right after me.
“Hi, Jeremy.”
He joins me in line. “Snacking on the go, huh?”
“Yep, busy day. And I love their smoothies.”
He scans the menu board hanging above the order counter. “Which one’s your favorite?”
“The Chunky Monkey or the Vanilla Oasis.”
The clerk takes my order and I step aside. Jeremy orders the Vanilla Oasis, then joins me waiting at the pickup window.
“Have you talked to Hutch yet?” I ask.
He tilts his head, curious. “He’s in town?”
I give him the brief version of Louisa’s health issues. He rubs his chin. “I’m heading out on a search, I wonder?—”
“Oh, right!” I say. That’s why he’s dressed for hiking instead of his mall security uniform. “He’ll be there.”
“I’ve got a Chunky Monkey for Ava!” the helper behind the counter calls out, sliding my smoothie across the pickup window.
“See you,” I say to Jeremy as I grab my smoothie and spin for the door.
“Oh hey, what about Cutback?” he calls out.
I clench my eyes shut for an instant, then plaster on a smile and turn back. “Sorry, I have plans. I hope it’s a great show.”
His gaze seems to linger on me for an instant, like he wants to say something more. When he doesn’t, I lift my smoothie in farewell and slip outside.
Five minutes later, back in my office, I’m still thinking about Jeremy and that crushed look on his face when my phone dings with a text.
It’s from the group chat Sofie named “Three Musketeers” that I share with her and Kirilee.