Page 30 of Love Me Fearless

Have you seen Hutch yet?

I take a series of deep breaths before typing my reply.


Yesterday and this morning.


How are you doing?

I’m tempted to lie to my friends, but Sofie’s the most perceptive person I know, so I won’t be able to hide my feelings for long. And Kirilee was there for me the morning after at the wedding, so she probably already knows how I feel.


It’s awkward, but we’re working through it

Sofie gives my message a heart, and Kirilee sends a sweet GIF that makes me smile.

I’m about to tuck my phone away when it dings with another message.


Think you can handle a cookout together at Hazel Creek this weekend?

Jesse mentioned a gathering, but I didn’t think it would happen this fast. A wave of nostalgia hits me so hard I have to sit down. Hazel Creek is where we used to go as kids with our families. I remember when I invited Hutch and his mom and sisters to join us. I taught Hutch how to catch frogs and he taught me how to whistle.


Of course. Sounds fun.


Great! I’ll call you later

I give it a heart and force down a hard swallow. Because saying yes to this feel like walking into a trap.

Chapter Eight

While I was packinggear to join the search, Marin’s Ford Ranger turned up a few miles southeast of town called Thrasher’s Corner. It’s a place that likely hasn’t changed since I was a horny teenager. Sometimes, my friends and I would sneak onto the nearby orchard to party, but it’s also a place with private spots in the trees for parking and making out.

Which was Marin Lambert there for?

On my drive, I call Beth to find out if that’s where she was last night, but when she doesn’t answer, I realize the diner’s probably too busy for her to even hear her phone ring.

Though I’m not responsible for finding Marin Lambert, I can’t help the questions unspooling in my mind. Beth never saw her last night, so where was she? Does Marin have a boyfriend? Who are her other friends? Had she confided in anyone about her change in plans last night? Has she been acting different lately? Memories from when Ava helped Marin at Sofie and Zach’s wedding flash through my mind. She’d been an innocent, gangly kid then. How has her life evolved since?

I ignore the tug of answering that same question.

My life changed that night, too, and I’ve been trying to find my footing since.

Because the parking area where they found Marin’s Ranger could turn out to be a crime scene, I’m not surprised to see the search and rescue team setting up at an old truck weigh station a half a mile from Thrasher’s Corner, the small building boarded up and tumbleweeds caught in the rusted barbed wire fencing. I park next to the row of vehicles belonging to the small crowd of volunteers gathering around a tall, brawny man at the open tailgate of a dark blue Ford pickup.

My spine goes taut. Captain Parker Greely.

From the back of Mom’s truck, I grab the daypack I brought from the house stuffed with essentials and step down to the sun-bleached concrete. A car whizzes past, kicking up grit.

“Three teams,” Captain Greely barks while pointing at locations on the topographic map spread on the tailgate.