Page 90 of Just One Moment

Whenwe arrived,Jowas helpingClaireset up.Crochetedpumpkins, dried leaves, branches, and tiny wooden turkeys decorate the long dining table.

“Thankyou, sweetheart.Florenceusually helps me.Thisis the first year she won’t be here to celebrate.”

“Thatreminds me.Weneed an extra place setting.I’veinvited a friend,”Boothadds casually as he types away on his phone.

“Alady friend?”Claireasks excitedly and squeezesBooth’sbicep in a death grip.Poorwoman is desperate to see her kids married off and popping out more grandkids.

“Fuck,Ma.Ican’t feel my arm.”Heremoves himself from her grasp. “Andno, not alady friend.Justa guy from work who couldn’t be with his family this year.Hopethat’s okay.”

“Ofcourse, it is.Themore the merrier.”

Justthen,Patrick,Jo, andLottiejoin us withJohanna’sdad,George.Itmakes me all warm and fuzzy inside as we sit together in the living room waiting for the food, laughter and love filling the room.WhenIturn to look at the man next to me, that warm, fuzzy feeling ignites into an inferno.

Itake him in as he chats away with everyone.It’shere that he has all his walls down, fully relaxed, with no doubt to be seen.Itmakes me sad to know he struggled as a child andduring his relationship withJenna, but knowing he had family and friends like this through it all, brings me comfort.

“It’sgoing to be a busy few days,”Clairesays. “It’llbe nice to see some of the family onSunday.”

Theroom grows quiet andGraham’sjaw ticks.We’veavoided talking about the wedding that’s happening in three days.Ignorancehas certainly been bliss.

“It’llbe good to seeAuntNancyandUncleEric,”Patrickreplies, butIdon’t miss the tension in his shoulders.

“Itwill.”Claire’seyes grow sad as she takes in the wall decorated with family photos. “Yourdad loved weddings.Couldn’tget him off the dance floor.”

Asmuch asIhate the idea of being in the same room asGraham’sex again,Irespect his wish to keep his mom out of the drama surrounding his past relationship.ButIhave a feeling ifClaireknew the truth, she wouldn’t be going to the wedding.

Joplops down onto the floor next to me just asGrahamexcuses himself from the room.Ifight the urge to follow and check on him, wanting to give him his space.

“You’vegot that look.”Jonudges my knee with her shoulder.


“Likeyou’ve fallen in deep with aSadlerbrother.”

She’sabsolutely right, so why deny it?Plus, the huge grin on my face is a dead giveaway.

“Sodeep it’s scary, but it feels so right with him.SometimesIwonder ifI’mdreaming.”

Beforeshe can respond, the lights dim, andJo’seyes widen.Shecurls her lips around her teeth and shakes her head. “Ifyou look behind you, you’ll see that you’re wide awake.”

Iwhip around to findGrahamin the doorway with a warm glow highlighting the contours of his face.I’mso distracted by him thatIalmost miss the large—slightly lopsided—yellowcake in his hands, with what looks like a hundred candles haphazardly sticking out of it.

Withcareful steps, andLottiewalking alongside him with the cheesiest smile on her face, a chorus of voices starts singing.Singingto me.Thelove hits me from all angles, but my eyes don’t leave his as he makes his way over and crouches in front of me.

“Gotsto make a wish,AuntyQuinn,”Lottiewhispers excitedly, and my heart threatens to burst at the seams at that name.

Thecandlelight makes the green of his eyes appear rapturous. “Happybirthday, honey.”

Witha shaky voice,Iclose my hand around his wrist asIsay, “Youkeep giving me all these firsts.”

Hissmile takes over his entire face. “Whata lucky guyIam.Nowblow out your candles, this thing weighs a ton.”

Afterthe candles are extinguished,Imake a wish even though it’s already come true.

He’slooking right at me.

“Doyou like your cake?”Lottie’squestion reminds me we’re not the only two people in the room.

“Ilove it so much.”Iwipe under my eyes. “Youdid a great job.”