Page 91 of Just One Moment

“Ididn’t make it, silly.UncleGraydid.Ittook him four tries.”Shegiggles and lays her head on her uncle’s shoulder. “Hesaid it had to be perfect for you.”

Ismirk asGraham’scheeks flame. “Lottie, you’re the worst wingwoman.”

“Likechicken wings?” she asks in confusion.

Theroom breaks into laughter, and someone flicks on the lights right as the doorbell rings.

Boothshoots up from his seat and runs out of the room shouting, “I’vegot it!”

Istand withGraham, who carries the cake over to the side table. “Youreally made it?”

“Yeah.”Hechuckles and rolls up his sleeves to show me a fresh burn mark. “Gotthe scars to prove it.”

“Ouch!”Igrab his arm and gently kiss the red welt on his skin. “WhatdidIdo to deserve you?”

“It’sjust a cake,” he mumbles, butIdon’t let him downplay this and keep a firm grip on his arm.

“It’sso much more than that.Youhave no idea what it means to me.You’vemade the lonely little girl inside me feel very special today.”

“Allof your days should be special.”Hisbrow stays wrinkled, but beforeIcan say anymore, a high-pitched voice has us all jumping.

“Theprodigal child has returned!”

Clairescreams and points at a tall, slim woman, with a white-blonde bob and septum piercing.She’sstunning and the green eyes she reveals when she flips up her sunglasses tell me exactly who she is.

“AuntyFlo!”Lottiesqueals and sprints into her aunt’s waiting arms.

“We’vetalked about that name,Lottie.”Florencelaughs and scoops the little girl up.

Everyonefollows to hug and greet her.

Istay behind, not wanting to intrude on the family reunion.There’sno jealousy asItake in the loud, loving family, andI’mhappy to watch untilFlorencelocks eyes with me and spreads her arms wide with a toothy grin.

“Andyou must be the woman who showedGrahamCrackernot all women are awful wenches.”Inthe blink of an eye,I’mlocked in her embrace untilI’mgasping for air. “Butknow if you hurt him,I’llmake your life hell,” she whispers menacingly.

Ilike her.

“Flo,”Grahamwarns and peels her arms from around me. “You’reruining the stereotype of protective older brother.”

“Timesare changing.Quinn, you’ll sit next to me.Ican’t wait to tell you all the embarrassing stories about my big brother.”

BoothandIshuffle back into the kitchen to plate everything up and for the next couple of hours, we all sit around the table, eating until our stomachs hurt, playing games, and giving thanks.

It’sso easy.Allof it.Mostof all, it’s easy with him.

Easyto open up to him, spend time with him, be around his family, and be a part of his life.

Andto love him.

Myheart stutters at that.Everyrational thought tells me it’s too early to have these feelings, but when he throws an arm around my shoulder and kisses my cheek like it’s the most natural thing in the world, they disappear.

I’venever loved anyone, let alone had someone tell me they love me.

He’sgiven me so much.Myfirst bouquet of flowers.Myfirst pair of rain boots.Myfirst birthday cake.

Myfirst love.