“Onetoo many if you ask me.”
Iflick him on the chest. “You’resuch aNeanderthal.I’mserious,Idon’t want to be…bad at it.”
“Quinn.”Heshakes his head. “Whereyour mouth and my dick are involved,Ihighly doubt there will be anything bad about it.”
“Willyou tell me what you like?”
Hiseyes warm and he presses a kiss to my hairline before standing, my hand slipping free from his shorts. “Yes, honey,I’lltell you.”
“Okay,”Iwhisper.Iwipe my sweaty palms over my thighs and slowly lower to my knees, eyes onGrahamthe entire time.
BeforeIhit the floor, he’s leaning past me and sets a pillowon the floor, clearing his throat before he says, “Foryour knees.It’sa hard floor.”
Whothe heck is this man?
Asmy fingers hook into his waistband and start to drag his shorts down,Iget my answer.
He’sa man with a very, very large penis.
Sweeterthan honey
Iwas a man starved before
Theprobabilityof me dying a happy man right now?Highlylikely.
Ifthe sight ofQuinnon her knees at my feet is the last thingIsee beforeIgo,I’llgreet theGrimReaperlike an old friend and ask him to show me the way.
Sheis a vixen who wields all power over me without even trying.Mymind flashes back to minutes ago; her breathy moans, her thick thighs dropping open, her beautiful pussy glistening.I’malready desperate to have my mouth on her again.
Ididn’t come armed to her room with a plan, yetIcan’t be mad at the outcome.RightbeforeIleft her in the kitchen,Isaw confusion shrouding her features.Idon’t know ifIput it there or perhaps it was the weight of her confessions this afternoon,butIwanted it gone.I’dexpected us to talk, for my words to eradicate any doubt she had, but my actions came out stronger.Mymouth didn’t stop working becauseIwas nervous—quite the opposite.Itwas just too busy craving her taste to formulate sentences.
Surprisepainted both our faces when the lewd wordsI’dbeen thinking escaped.I’dnever had the urge or want to say anything to a woman like that before, let alone the confidence.Noteven withJenna.
Iwas sure my slipup was going to scare her off, yet when our eyes met, flames reflected back at me.Lustand need smoldering like a ring of fire around her pupils.Everydirty murmur had her thighs quaking and core clenching.Heatpoured through me as she dripped onto my tongue like honey.
EverythingaboutQuinnis sexy, but hearing her tell me what she likes and opening herself up to me, was the most erotic thingI’dever witnessed.Thereare a lot of firsts tonight, and despite our earlier hesitancy,Ican’t imagine doing this with anyone else.
Ifthere was one sight to top the one ofQuinnspread out on her bed like the most delectable feast, it’s her on her knees.
Asher small hands grip onto the waistband of my shorts, my breathing stops.Allblood flow rushes to my cock.Itwas a challenge to hide my filthy satisfaction thatI’mthe first man to ever taste her.Fromthe slight tremble in her hands and earlier worry in her voice,I’vegot to keep my shit together.Nomatter how wild my heart is beating, or how badlyIwant to watch her lips stretch around me.
Iremain quiet and let her take control, watching as she peels the material down my thighs.Ididn’t bother with briefs after my shower, so when my painfully hard cock is freed and slaps against my stomach, she gasps in surprise with wide eyes.
Fuuuuuck,Ishouldn’t love the way she stares at it like that.Shereally needs to close her mouth, because my control is slipping.
Aftera beat of silence andQuinnstaring between my legs,Ispeak. “Yougood?”
“Mm-hm.It’sjust that”—she points at my dick—“isn’t going to fit.”
Thatshould not turn me on so much.
“Wedon’t have to do this,”Isay, not wanting to pressure her.