Ibend to pull up my shorts, only to pause when her molten eyes lock with mine. “Iwant to,Graham.Letme try.Justtell me ifIdo anything wrong.”
Thefortitude in her voice matches her expression.HowcanIever deny her anything?
Myknuckles brush down her flushed cheek. “Goas slow as you want.Youcall the shots here, but from whereI’mstanding, something so beautiful could never be wrong.”
Shechews on her plump bottom lip before her eyes flash with mischief. “Okay.Trynot to kill me with the death trap between your legs though.”
BeforeIcan respond, she flicks out her tongue and drags it across the blunt tip. “FuckingChrist,”Ihiss.Myhips jolt forward, hands falling to the earthy, glossy strands of her hair asIchannel all willpower not to drive into her sweet mouth.
Sheswirls around the head and slowly—oh so slowly—wraps her lips around me.Myknees nearly buckle when she looks up at me with a hooded stare, but the trust glowing in her eyes has the ability to shatter me.
“That’sreally good, keep doing that and take me deeper if you can.”Shehollows her cheeks, taking more of me, and heat builds at the base of my spine. “Wrapyour hand around me.Tighter—oh shit, yeah, like that.Sogood.You’reso good at this.”
I’min no rush, wanting to savor this moment for eternity as she takes me inch by inch.Withoutinstruction, she twists and pumps in sync with her mouth.Myhands fist her hair, pleasure coiling deep in me with each pass of her tongue.
Watchingher confidence grow is addictive.
Mylimbs lose all control when her other hand moves to cup and massage my balls. “Harder.Youcan squeeze them harder.Fuckinghell, you’re perfect.”Iwatch her in utter awe.Hipsgyrating along with her movements; thighs rubbing together.She’sstill bare below the waist, which sends me spiraling quicker, and the idea that she’s as turned on asIam has the pressure in me building faster.I’mclose, but whenIhit the back of her throat and she gags around me,I’ma goner.
“Areyou okay?”Shenods gently and continues to work me. “Ibet you’re soaking again, aren’t you?Gettingoff with my cock down your throat.”
Hermoan vibrates over my cock, letting me know she enjoys my words as much asIlike giving them to her.Fuck, ifIdon’t want to whisper every filthy praise to her if that’s her reaction.
Mymind and body are fully entranced by this gorgeous woman on her knees, though, from the blinding pleasure she’s pulling from me,I’mclose to falling to my own.
WhenIattempt to pull away she shakes her head and increases her efforts until my whole body is lit up. “I’mclose.Soclose.”Iloosen my grip on her hair and stroke through the soft strands. “I’mgoing to come down your throat,”Iwarn.
Shenods with hazy, caramel eyes set on me.
Notneeding any further encouragement, my hips thrust in time with her mouth and hand. “Youare a dream.I’mgoing to give you it all, honey, don’t swallow it whenI’mdone.”
Mymovements stutter, balls draw up, andIalmost black out as my orgasm ricochets across every nerve ending.Unableto hold back any longer,Ithrow my head back and shout out a string of curse words asIcome across her tongue.
Oncedown from my high,Islip from her mouth, and take a moment to collect myself.Shestares up at me with tears clinging to her lashes and cheeks flushed the prettiest shade of pink.
Bendingdown,Iswipe my thumb across her swollen, wet lips. “Openyour mouth and show me.”
Withouthesitation, she opens wide and sticks out her tongue to show where my cum pools and waits for my approval.Thiswoman was made for me,I’mpositive.
“Goodgirl.Nowswallow.”Iwatch her throat work and when she lets out a satisfied sigh,Idrop to my knees and cradle her face.Ittakes all my strength not to kiss her viciously. “Areyou okay?Wasthat too much?”
Sheshakes her head vigorously. “No, no.God, it was…who knew it could be like that?Ifelt like you were holding back.WasIokay?”
Mywillpower cracks andIpull her into me, sealing my mouth over hers in a powerful kiss.Thetaste of our combined pleasure is an aphrodisiac that stirs my arousal again.
“Quinn, are you kidding me?Youwere perfect.Morethan perfect.”Shemight think she lacks experience, but she knew exactly how to wring me dry.
“Youpromise?” she asks carefully.
“I’dnever lie to you.”Mylips drop to hers while my thumbs stroke her round cheeks.WhenIreluctantly pull away,Ihold her gaze. “I’mserious,I’venever been like that with anyone.Ikinda surprised myself.Butthank you.”
“You’rethanking me?Forwhat?”Herbrow wrinkles.
“Forbeing you and sharing that with me.”
Hersmile lights up her face like the most beautiful sunrise.