“Anything,I’lldo anything.”Despitemy desperate tone, my expression remains calm. “I’llhelp the bakery and then some.Youname it, it’s yours.”
Hermouth twists to the side. “Youmight regret this.”
“Never.Ifyou’re even debating helping me out in such a ridiculous way, nothing you ask will be too big.”
“Great.Youwon’t mind if we become roommates then?”
DidIhear her correctly?
BeforeIcan ask her to repeat herself, my mind is running away from me.
SimplyimaginingQuinnin my space has me charged up.It’sbad enoughI’mtorturing myself by asking her to date me, let alone seeing her day and night.Wouldshe walk around in the skimpy camisolesIfound her in earlier?Wouldher sugary scent stay long after she leaves?
Isshe going to take one look at my sad apartment and go running for the hills?
Butwhat if she doesn’t, a quiet voice says.
Whatif she likes what she sees and shares the same feelings?
Whatif she sees me for whoIam and likes it?
I’ma silence filler.
Holdingmy tongue has never been my strong suit.It’sclear my inability to not say the first thing that pops into my head has shockedGrahamasItake in his deer in the headlight expression.
Itold a little white lie.
Theidea of us being roommates only came to me seconds ago.Whenhe said,I’lldo anything,Isaw a resolution to my current situation.I’mnot one to ask for favors, preferring to do things on my own, so whenIblurted out that question, it surprised me.
Ihaven’t called the mechanic yet, butIknowVWparts are hard to come by—and expensive—so it wouldn’t surprise me ifI’mwithoutNellyfor a week or more.
JoandPatrick’splace was off the table because of their reno.Mr.Williswould be an option, if he didn’t own three cats andIwasn’t severely allergic.I’dgrimly acceptedI’dbe throwing the majority of my savings at fixing my van and staying in a hotel while it was being repaired.Therewere no other options, andIcouldn’t sleep here long term.
MaybeIhit my head harder thanIthought.BeforeIhad a chance to reason with my brain, it had already taken over my vocal cords andIwas asking him to be roomies.
Aquestion he still hasn’t responded to.
Hismouth hangs open, glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose as he leans in close, and that’s whenIrealizeI’mstill gripping onto his dark green cardigan like my life depends on it.
“Oops, sorry.”Ismooth down the knitted material against his chest.Avery firm chestImight add. “Shouldwe pretendIdidn’t ask that?Yes, let’s do that.So, it’s agreed,I’llbe your fake girlfriend, and we won’t muddy the waters with you being my accountant.Noscratching your back, you’ll scratch mine.”
Istand abruptly, which is whenIseeDexoutside the window.Hegrew up withJoandPatrick, butI’mnot sure he ever stopped growing, because this man is a beast.Mostpeople make me look short, butDextowers over everyone.He’scurrently fixing the bent hinges to the front door, andIcan only guessPatrickcalled him afterIgave him a free peep show.
“Well…great talking with you.I’malready late opening up, soIbetter get a move on.”Ithrow a thumb over my shoulder.
“Youneed somewhere to stay?”Hisdeep voice halts my steps.
“No, silly.Ihave my van.”
“Thevan full of rats?”