Page 26 of Just One Moment

“Ilove rats.”Thelie sends a shiver down my spine, and he sees it.

“Ithink you’re full of shit.”Hestands and levels me with a knowing look.

“That’snot how a gentleman talks.”

“Neverclaimed to be one.”Heslides his hands into his pockets but doesn’t move toward me. “Now, tell me about your van.Howbad is it?”

Myshoulders drop, knowing it’s pointless lying to him. “Idon’t know, bad?Ihave to call the mechanic, but it’s an old model, and the last time it needed repairs, it took over a week.Seriously, it’s not your problem to worry about,I’llfind somewhere to stay.”

Ipull out today’s cake selection from the fridge and lay them out.It’sobviousI’mavoiding his gaze but whenIfinish arranging the slices of peanut butter sheet cake my eyes drift to where he’s still standing.

“Where?” he asks.


“Quinn, where are you going to stay?Ialready knowPatrickandJo’splace isn’t available.”Forsuch a shy man, he sure is asking a lot of questions today.Thestern look and no-shit attitude he’s giving off shouldn’t be attractive, yet it is.Maybeit’s because he seems so concerned about my well-being.Itkind of reminds me of theGrahamwho shouted at his brother on my behalf several months ago.Inthis very spot too.


“No,” he gruffs out, arms crossing over his chest and stretching the knitted fabric across his broad shoulders.

“No?”Iparrot back, trying to mirror the timbre of his tone and sounding like a squashed frog.

“Correct.”Hecloses the distance between us until he towers over me.Notin an intimidating way,Idon’t think he’s capable of that.Confidenceripples off him, not his usual look, but it suits him. “Yousure you’re okay with this fake dating business?”

Swallowing,Ibob my head up and down.

“Thenno hotel.Ifwe’re going to make this believable, there is no chance in hellIwould let my girl stay in a hotel.”

Mygirl.Ishouldn’t like the sound of that.No,Quinn!Badgirl, this is fake.He’sjust getting into character.


Hegives one firm nod, andIalmost stop breathing when he reaches up and pulls away a few hairs that are stuck to theBand-Aid.Hisfingers linger above my eyebrow and those mossy-green eyes stare so intently into mine,IswearIcan smell the earthy wood scent of the forest.

“Beready at five.I’llpick you up.”

“Whatare we doing?”

Therewas zero hesitation in my decision to help outGraham.Theonly reasonIspoke withJowas to understand him a little better.I’mprobably not his usual type and he’s right, if we want this to be believable, we have to do everything in our power to show the town—and his ex’s friends—we’re serious about each other.

Oureyes remain locked, an odd sensation bubbling between us, and for a brief second,Iworry we’re walking into dangerous territory with this agreement.

Mymoment of doubt disappears whenGraham’snext words might as well sign and seal this whole thing.

“We’regetting your things and moving you in, honey.”

“Youhaveto go inside to pack a bag.”

“Thankyou,CaptainObvious.”Iturn toGrahamand give him my best woe-is-me look, hoping he’ll take pity on me. “Can’tyou do it?”

Hisface is impassive as he takes in my little orange home.Insecuritysweeps through me.Inthe light of day, there’s no hiding the worn patches of paint, theDucttape holding up the side mirror, or the missingVWbadge on the front.Idon’t usually care what people think, yet his opinion—for whateverreason—matters to me.He’sso put together and studious,Iworry how we’re going to fool anyone that we’re dating.

Hepicked me up at five o’clock as planned and we spent the short ride over toMr.Willis’sland in silence.Itwasn’t awkward,Ithink we were both processing the fast-paced turn of events that have unraveled in the last week.

Westill need to iron out the details of me being his girlfriend.I’venever actually been anyone’s girlfriend, deciding casual hookups were safer, consideringImoved around so much.Somehand-holding.Dinnerdates.Strollsin the park.Grahamseems like a low-maintenance guy, how hard can it be?

Ohgod.Whatif he wants us to kiss?Notthat it’s a bad thing…