Toheal those old scars
I’mnotsure whatIfind more impressive:Boothpicking someone up while in a pair of extremely tight cycling shorts, or the fact the woman didn’t even notice he’s without a bike.
Afterexchanging numbers with her, he turns and saunters back over to whereI’msitting on the bench along the dock.Ikeep my eyes trained on his face.Seeingmy little brother’s junk highlighted in black spandex was not on today’s bingo card.
“Whenwas the last time you even rode your bike?”Iask as he sits down next to me and stretches his legs out to rest on the railing between the dock and the water.
“Springtime.”Hefolds his hands behind his head and shuts his eyes, enjoying the early evening sun.
Thetrees across the bay have started to shift from deep greens to yellows and ambers, their bright colors reflecting in thecalm waters.Iusually rely on this very spot to settle myself after an overwhelming day at the office or whenIneed to feel close to my dad.Thisis where we’d meet up for lunch some afternoons, silently taking in the scenery around us or catching up.
Thistime it’s done little to ease the guiltI’vefelt since leavingQuinn’sbakery yesterday.
“Whyare you wearing those god-awful shorts?”
Withoutopening his eyes, he gestures toward his crotch, andIscoff at his ridiculous yet oddly effective tactic at picking people up.Curly, who is lying at my feet, growls at him before going back to sleep.
“Fora little wiener, he’s a massive prick.”Hescowls at my dog and then waves the stranger’s number in my face. “Don’thate on the shorts, either, they work.”
Istare at the slip of paper in his hand.
Thoseten digits send shame coursing through me, reminding me howIlied, and clearly embarrassedQuinn, whenItold herIlost her number.AsifIhadn’t been drafting texts to her for months.Itwas one of the few timesIspoke before thinking, not wanting to come across as overeager.
Andinstead,Iupset her.
Shecouldn’t get away from me quick enough andIknewI’dfucked up.DespiteJo’spleas about warmingQuinnup to the idea of the two businesses working together,Isensed something more going on with her.
IcatchBootheyeing me curiously.
“What?”Iask, even thoughIknow exactly what he’s about to say.
“HasMomspoken to you?”
Witha huff,Iturn to face the water and follow the small swells coming from a fishing boat as its bow bobs toward the mouth of the bay.Ibrace my elbows on my knees and myself for this conversation.
“I’vetold herI’mgoing to the wedding.She’dask questionsIdon’t want to answer ifIdidn’t.”
Whenhe doesn’t respond,Ifind him looking at his hands furiously.Histeeth grind together before he spits his next words out. “Thisis ridiculous.Idon’t like speaking badly about women, but she’s a piece of work.Aftereverything she did, she has the audacity to invite you to their wedding.”
“Let’sremove her from the equation.He’sour cousin.”Myfingers flex, hoping to ease the tension building in my muscles.
“Nocousin of mine,” he scoffs. “I’mgoing to invite that girlImet last summer.Youknow, the one who threw up after drinking one too many glasses of red wine?MaybeIcan aim her towardJennaduring the speeches.”
Myhead spins and my stomach churns.Adate.Fuck, it will be mortifying turning up alone.Thereisn’t a single ounce of me that wantsJennaback, butIcan already picture the conceited look on her face when she receives myRSVPwith just my name on it.
Hemust sense the shift in my mood. “We’renot going.I’llfind something better forMomto do on that day.”
“Wehave to go.NancyisDad’sonly sibling, it would breakMom’sheart if we didn’t go.Nomatter how much of a prickRalphis.”AuntNancyis the sweetest woman.Ihave a lot of memories in her house as a kid, and withRalph, until he turned into an insufferable asshat.
Booth’sstrong hand pulls at my shoulder, forcing me to face him fully. “Beserious,Gray.YouthinkI’dgo?Patrickcalled me the minute he opened his invitation.Evenour calm big bro was blowing steam down the phone.You’renot really thinking of going, are you?”
Ithrow a hand through my hair. “Momthinks we ended things amicably.She’sstill under the impressionJennaandIbroke up months before we actually did and that her andRalph’srelationship started longafter that.Youknow whatMom’slike, she’ll refuse to go to the wedding if she knows the truth, andIdon’t want her cutting herself off from the only family left onDad’sside.”
Booth’sknowing look tells me he shares the same concern.
Momnever exactly warmed toJenna, but she was always civil and kind to her.Iexplained that we broke up two months before the nightJennawalked out, which softened the blow when she found outJennahad moved on with her nephew.Shepried a little, butIshrugged off her questions and reassured her it was for the best.
Lookingback, my mom would have been nothing but supportive.Ijust took the coward’s way out and it’s too late now to reveal what actually happened.