Page 14 of Just One Moment

Iblow out a breath and reveal my actual concern. “I’mover the affair, you know this.But…ifIdon’t show,Jennawill think she won.I’mnot sure what’s worse, though, not going or going alone.”

“Shegave you a plus one, right?”

“Yes.ButIhave no one to take.”

“So, get a girlfriend.”Heacts as if it’s that simple.Imean, for him it probably is.

Ifix him with a pointed stare. “Yeah, and who would that be, smart-ass?”Orbetter yet, who would even want to date me?Iknow whoI’dlike to take as my date…No.Ishake that delusion away.

“That!”Heshoves a finger in my face. “Whatwas that look?Youreyes went all soft, like you actually have emotions.”

“Fuckoff,”Igrumble and slap his hand away, angry at myself for that momentary slip.

Hejumps off the bench, andCurlybarks at him as he raises his arms in the air in frustration. “Seriously?Wetell each other everything.”

“No.You”—Ipoint at him—“tell me about all your sexcapades without my consent, andItry to block them out.”

“Youcould share things with me.Ifyou ever went out and spoke to women,I’dlisten.Ourmother,Johanna, andLottiedo not count.”

Witha swallow,Icast my eyes down and scratchCurly’ssmooth head. “Ispeak to women.Orwoman.”

Atthis rate,I’mjust invitingBoothto meddle in my life.Asmuch as it makes me itch seeing his eyes light up like aChristmastree at my admission,I’dgive anything to be half as confident as he is.

“Tellme, tell me,” he pleads like a teenage girl talking about her school crush.

“Quinn.”Henods slowly, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly as he waits for the rest of the story. “Joasked me to speak to her about working with the restaurant.”Idownplay it, as ifIhaven’t been imagining talking to her for months now. “Wespoke yesterday, she’s nice.”

Understatementof the century, but this is allBoothis getting or he’ll get too excited.Likewhen my dog gets the zoomies.

“Quinn’sa great girl.Goodchoice.Howdid it go?” he asks.

Thegrimace on my face is all telling.

Thebench creaks as he sits down again and bumps his shoulder with mine.“Ohgod.Whathappened?”

Groaning,Iscratch the back of my neck in discomfort. “IthinkIoffended her.Wemet back inMarch, she gave me her number and…Ikinda impliedI’dlost it…butIhaven’t.Itdoesn’t matter.”Iwave it off. “Shedoesn’t want to work with me anyway.Sheneeded some accounting advice but shot me down, so there’s no reason for me to speak to her now.”Iscrub a hand down my face with a loud sigh, andCurlywhines in unison.

“You’rean idiot.It’soffensive we share the same bone structure,and you don’t even put it to good use.Thisis fixable, all we—”Hegasps and squeezes my shoulder in a death grip. “Oh.Iam a genius.Brainsand beauty.Rememberthis day.”

“Idon’t want to ask.”Yet,I’mintrigued asIpeel his hand off my shoulder and push him away.

“Youlike her, don’t deny it.Youneed a date for the wedding but are inherently introverted.Askher to be your date as a favor; you could do her bookkeeping or whatever it is in return.”Hishands are upturned waiting for my response.

“You’velost me.”

“Fakedate her.Goon a couple of dates around town soJennadoesn’t catch on it’s fake.Weboth know she has her old high school cronies sniffing around.Doit all under the pretense that you need a date for the wedding, and in return, you’ll look over her numbers, and then who knows, maybe her bedroom ceiling.”

“Thatis ridiculous.Butalso…”Myhead falls in my hands, andIpush my glasses back off my face. “Kindasmart.Jesus,Ican’t believeI’mconsidering it.Imust be desperate.”

“Ithink the fact you’re considering it means you think she’s more than nice.”Hesmirks.It’snot smug, though, more like he’s happy for me. “There’sno pressure, but maybe pushing yourself out of your comfort zone will do you some good.”Iturn to look at him. “Jennadoes not get to dictate how you see yourself any longer.You’rea good guy.Andmaybe as you get to knowQuinn, she’ll see that too.”

“Shehas to say yes first.She’llprobably agree out of pity.God, she’s going to thinkI’mpathetic.Fuck,why amIeven entertaining this?”Myhead falls back, andIstare up at the white fluffy clouds floating by.

“Justtry it out.Ifyou’re not comfortable, it’s not like you’re actually dating, though,Ithink you’re going to woo the pants off her.”Hepulls out his phone and taps away at the screen.

“Whoare you texting?”Ipeer over his shoulder.

“Ourdear little sister.I’mpretty sure she reads those kinky books about cowboys and fake dating.Weneed to do our research.”