Page 87 of Just One Moment

Wesay goodbye andIgiveDexandBootha ride home.Bythe time we reach the apartment,Quinnis fast asleep with her head resting against the passenger window.Ibrush an errant strand of hair away from her face and she smiles softly at the touch.

BeforeIwake her,Idrop my brother a text.

Graham: Do you know how to make a cake?

Booth: I’m a chef. That’s insulting.

Graham: ???

Booth: I recall you not wanting my help anymore.

Graham: It’s for Quinn.

Booth: Fine! You’ll have to come over to Mom’s on Wednesday after work. I’m working all week.

Booth: You really like her?

Ilook atQuinn.Thequiet has been my comfort for so long, but since she’s come into my life it’s been full of vibrant noise and flashes of color.Turnsout,Idon’t miss the silence likeIthoughtIwould.

Graham: I think I love her.

Booth: About goddamn time.

She’sstill a handsy little thing asIcoax her into brushing her teeth and washing her face, but the minute her head hits the downy pillow, she’s out like a light.

Myentire body aches to slide in behind her, soIkeep tonight’s entry brief.

Thisis love.

Nothingbefore her matters.

Fromthe momentImet her,I’vebeen scared.Slowly, she’s shown me there’s nothing to fear.

WhenJennaleft me,Iwas sureI’dnever find love again.Thething is, that was never love.

Lovecomes in the form ofQuinnJackson.

AndIam ready to spend every day showing her how muchIlove her.



Mynose twitches.

Somethingsweet and floral tickles my nostrils.

Thebirds are chirping happily outside.

Thebed dips, and something spicy joins the floral scent.


Icrack an eye open to find him looking down at me with fondness.Streaksof sunshine sneak in through the curtains.

“Hi, honey.”Hissmile has quickly become my favorite thing to wake up to, and today is no different.

“Hey, you.Whattime is it?”Istifle a yawn and stretch out my stiff arms.