Page 88 of Just One Moment

“Don’tworry about that.”Helies down next to me, reaches behind his back with a rustling to reveal the biggest bouquet of flowers and lays them down between us.Alldifferent shapes and shades of yellow.Tulips, roses, daisies, dahlias.Unlikethe previous arrangements, this one is wrapped up in brownKraftpaper and tied with string.

“Graham.They’reincredible.Didyou make this?”

“Nah.Thisis all my mom.Idid help pick them out.”Hehuffs a laugh, but there’s a hint of pride in his smile.

“Thisone is my favorite so far.Youdon’t have to buy me flowers so often though.”Turningover,Ifluff my pillows and settle against the headboard.Lastnight we slept in his room.We’vebeen alternating between his and mine, and it’s been the best two weeks of bed hopping.Almostevery nightI’mleft satiated fromGraham’shands, mouth, or cock.We’reboth insatiable andIhope it never fades.

SinceI’vebeen sleeping in here, there are a few new additions to his room: a sandalwood candle sits on the dresser along with a ceramic watch holderIfound at the thrift store.Hebrought in my lavender-colored blanket last night afterIcomplained it was too cold, but he quickly warmed me up.

“Idon’t have to.Iwant to.”There’sa dash of nervousness in his tone.Heleans over the flowers, careful not to crush them as he lays gentle kisses across my brow, nose, and cheeks. “Happybirthday, honey.”

Ismile despite the dull ache of memories that try to force their way out.Deepfrom whereItry to hide them away on this day.


Nineyears sinceIleft the one place that should have kept me safe, yet the momentIlost sight of our trailer it was the safestI’dever felt.

“Iknow you didn’t want a fuss…”

“Itwasn’t that.Birthdayswere never a thing for me, soIpreferred to celebrate today as the dayIset myself free.”Istroke a hand down his bare chest. “Ilove the flowers.Andwithout making this depressing, you’re the first person in a long time to wish me a happy birthday.”

Thedeep breath he lets out is filled with sadness, but he doesn’t dwell on it.

“Soyou want a fuss?”Hequirks a dark brow.

“Iwant to spend the morning in bed with you before wehead over to your mom’s.Thatsounds like my perfect birthday.”

“CanIgive you your gift?”

Myeyes widen andIglance down at the bouquet. “Youalready have.”

“I’mgoing to bring you flowers every day, even though our contract is null and void.”Hewinks, and then reaches under the bed to retrieve a small gift wrapped in blue paper with green polka dots, and places it on my lap.“It’snothing big or fancy.”

Giddyexcitement quickly replaces my morose mood.Ipeel back the gift wrap to reveal a small rectangular, wooden box.Intricatefloral designs decorate the top and a bronze latch keeps the lid in place.Rightin the middle, in beautiful cursive writing is my name.It’ssimple and delicate, clearly made with a lot of care and craftsmanship.

Inspectingit,Iturn it over, and the sound of something sliding around inside has me glancing atGraham, who simply shrugs.

Witha quick flick of the latch,Iopen the lid to reveal a small silver locket, engraved with three simple stems of what look to be tulips.

“Oh,Graham, it’s beautiful.Ilove it.Andthe box.”

“Really?” he asks hopefully.

“Ofcourse.Wheredid you find it?”

“Dexmade the jewelry box, and the necklace is from a small jeweler across from my office in the city.Ihad them engrave the flowers.”

He’snot even finished his sentence beforeI’mdragging him down to me and raining his face with quick pecks until our lips lock in a deep kiss.Helaughs whenIgrip him harder as he tries to pull away.

“Letme put it in on you.”Hemaneuvers me untilI’msitting between his open legs, front to back.

Withmy hair swept over my shoulder,Iwait, but he doesn’t move.Itwist to find him staring at my naked body and watch as he leans forward to kiss up the length of my spine.Mylimbs melt into his embrace with each tender press of his lips.

“MybeautifulQuinn,” he whispers, leaving a trail of kisses until he reaches my nape. “Braveand beautiful.Youdeserve to be celebrated every day, but today of all days, you deserve to know what joy and happiness you bring into lives of the people around you.”

Happytears well in my eyes at his heartfelt words and then he’s looping the silver locket around my neckand securing it in place.Ittakes him a few minutes because of his big hands, andItease him every second.Mymood shifts when it rests between the hollow of my breasts.

Gratitude.Somuch gratitude for the man who encompasses me in his arms asIfall into him.Foreverything he’s done for me, but most of all, for being whoInever knewIneeded.