“That I’m a grumpy bastard?” he joked, not very convincingly. “Aren’t we supposed to save all this kinda deep stuff for the third or fourth date? Shouldn’t we be discussing favorite movies or colors or something?”
“You tell me...I’m not exactly an expert on dating.” That was the understatement of the century.
“And I am?” He let out a short, sharp laugh. “I told you the other day, there hasn’t been anyone since Ellie. I wasn’t lying. I’m flying blind here.”
Ask him.
One big gulp of her wine later, she did. “Anyone as in dating or anyone as inanyone?”
“Anyone,” he confirmed. She found herself squirming under his serious stare.
Shit. Don’t panic.
It was too late for that. She was definitely panicking. That was not what she wanted to hear. The word ‘rebound’ was now being flung around and chanted on a loop.
As if he could hear it too, Cody was quick to speak again. “Whatever is going through that beautiful head of yours, you’re wrong.”
“How can I be wrong when you don’t even know what I’m thinking?” she sassed.
Another rather serious expression took over his features as their gazes locked. “You’re probably thinking I’m not over Ellie. Or I’m not looking for anything serious. You might even be thinking that I’m after a rebound.”Magical fricking powers.“If it was any of the above then I’m telling you now...you’re wrong.”
She wanted to believe him. Every fibre of her being did. Taking another sip of wine, she let his eyes on her warm her skin before she spoke again. When she did, her mind was made up.
“My favorite movie isElf. My favorite color is green. And I haven’t been in a relationship or withanyonein over three years. Until Friday, that is.”
Heat flared in those amber eyes. So much damn heat, she was bound to set alight any minute now. So much, that she was expecting something sinful to leave his lips next. So, she was surprised when instead, he asked, “Elf, huh?”
Leaning back in the wooden chair, she shrugged. “What can I say, I’m full of Christmas cheer.”
“Do you know the best way to spread Christmas cheer?” She didn’t need a mirror to know she was beaming back at him as he spoke. “Singing loud for all to hear.”
“You love it!” They exchanged matching grins as her finger remained pointed at him.
Yet another reason she was in too deep. This man was dangerous. Lethal. It was bad enough he was the kind of hot that made a girl beg to be handcuffed and swiftly punished, but he had to be funny too. Smart. An amazing dad. Ridiculously good in bed. And now, now she found out he freaking lovedElf.
Run now before he breaks your heart.
The truth was, there were a number of reasons she should be running. From her extreme bad luck of attracting nothing but commitment-phobes, to her personal life being an absolute car crash. Let’s also not forget the daily guilt that punched her in the face every waking minute of the day.
You’re such a catch.
Being the catch she was, she’d only intended to find a cowboy to pass the time with. Something casual. A chance to forget about her life for five minutes. But there was nothing casual about Cody. Not only was he directly linked to her best friend and likely would be for life, but he also had a child. Who she liked. A lot. Add in the best sex of her life, the scarily intense way he was currently looking at her and her damn stomach ache, and she was basically fucked.
There was no hiding from this man. She already knew he was the type to want it all. And even though her instincts were telling her to run, he was drawing her in like a moth to a flame. And a part of her knew it would only get worse.
“I lost you. Where did you go?” Cody’s eyes were still holding her hostage.
She didn’t want to lie, but there was also no way in hell she was going to tell him. So, she settled on, “Can we save that for the third or fourth date?”
He took a moment before answering. And when he did, he used that deep, gruff tone she loved so much. “Anything you want, kitten.”
Yep. Fucked.
Cody was getting worried. The more he found out about Cat, the more he liked her. And the more he liked her, the more his heart raced toward heart attack levels. Possibly a stroke. Throw in that tight-ass silky blue dress she was wearing that matched her eyes and he was starting to think he should have updated his will before picking her up.
So far, he’d fought back the very real urge to kiss her all night. Their chemistry was never in question. It was everything else he was unsure of. From the moment they’d met, they’d fought. He’d desperately needed to have an actual conversation or two with the woman if he had any chance of getting his brain caught up to where his body was at.