Thankfully, she hadn’t disappointed. He already knew she was funny, but now he also knew other things. Important things. Like how passionate she was about her job. How much she adored her family. Verbal confirmation she absolutely loved Libby. And why she had a thing for cats. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t because of her name.
All this was good and bad. Good because his physical and emotional attraction had now evened out a little, making him feel less like a sex-crazed horndog who’d been thinking with something other than his brain and more like a grown man who thoroughly enjoyed the company of such an amazing woman. But it was also bad. Mainly because after just one date, he felt more for her than he probably should. More than was probably healthy. And that was scary as hell.
As he helped Cat into his truck, he kept hold of her hand as she took her seat. “Come back to my place tonight?”
Yes, it was a bold thing to ask. And yes, technically it was only their first date. But they’d already skipped over a few steps. Andthe idea of having to wait to touch her again, especially after the night they’d had, was not computing.
She didn’t slap him, so that was a good sign. She also didn’t look surprised or taken back. Another tick. What she did do was consider him for a moment. Biting down on that sexy, plump lower lip of hers.
When she finally replied, her voice had that throaty husk to it. A voice sensual enough to drive a man to the brink of insanity. “What about Dylan?”
He loved that his son was a consideration. If it was possible, it only made him want her more. “He’s over at my folks tonight.”
That was about the time he realized what that sounded like. Pre-meditated. He was quick to correct that line of thinking. “Not because of this. I swear.” She didn’t look convinced yet, so he continued. “He’s round there every Wednesday night. They pick him up after soccer practice, feed him and then take him to school the next day. Mostly ‘cause I normally work late on Wednesday. That and my parents want to make sure they get their weekly fix. I didn’t plan it ‘cause I was expecting something to happen...if that’s what you’re thinking.”
He really hadn’t. Before he picked her up, he’d even told himself he wasn’t going to sleep with her tonight. That he needed to get to know her better before they went there again. But he hadn’t planned to feel like this. And now all he wanted was to touch her again. Even if it was just to hold her.
“Okay,” she replied, a tiny bit of caution still visible behind the fire in her eyes.
“Okay? Okay you believe me or okay you’ll come over?”
Her smile was back. “Both,” she simply stated.
He wasn’t ready to stop looking at her or touching her yet. He held her gaze a little longer and squeezed her hand a few more times before he dragged himself away. Once he’d rounded thetruck and buckled himself in next to her, adrenaline started to spike his blood. Goddamn. He was one lucky son-of-a-bitch.
The grand tour of his place didn’t take long. It was on the small side. One day, he hoped to find a piece of land and build on it, but time hadn’t been on his side. Life had always got in the way. Work. Parenting. Some more work. Topped off with good old-fashioned parental guilt.
Taking her straight upstairs felt kind of wrong, so here they were, in the living room, standing next to his ancient leather couch, both looking as awkward as he felt.
“Uh, do you want a coffee or something?”
“Or something?” Cat playfully lifted an eyebrow.
“Bad at this. Remember?” He reminded her.
“Just as bad. Remember?” she countered.
“Fuck it.” Cody took a step forward into her space and did what he had wanted to do from the moment he’d laid eyes on her tonight: kissed the ever-loving hell out of her.
Fire rose in his belly as he took her mouth like a crazed animal. His hands didn’t leave her face, his thumbs caressing her cheeks as he angled her just the way he wanted her. His tongue ploughed while the rest of his mouth teased. She tasted like wine and chocolate. Sounded just as crazed as him. And smelt like fresh oranges.
Unbelievably, the kiss turned even more urgent as she wrapped her arms around his neck. And he was a goner. In that second, his knees bent, his hands moved to her ass and she was off the ground. Once he’d helped fold her bare legs around him, he reluctantly released her lips.
“I’m making an executive decision, kitten.”
“Sounds serious.” His eyes followed her lips as they quirked up to the side, causing his own to follow suit.
“It is. Very serious. I’m pretty certain I would fail in my hosting duties if I don’t give you a thorough tour of upstairs. More specifically, my bedroom.”
She didn’t miss a beat. “Come to think of it, Ihaveheard that the hosting board of Woodvalley Pines are a tough crowd.”
“The toughest.”, he agreed with a grin.