Page 70 of Forbidden Cravings

“I’m gonna keep them with me so I can think of that pussy anytime I have to be away from you.”

“Stop getting me wet, Mason. I already need to go clean up,” I complained.

“Why? I want your cum dripping down your legs so that every man out there knows you’re mine.”

“Ha! We just shook this plane so hard it almost overturned. I think they know.”

He gave me a smirk that lit my insides on fire. Releasing the scarf, he shoved me playfully toward the bathroom and smacked my ass. “Go clean up. But I’m keeping the panties. You can go without them for the trip home. I think I’ll have you sit on my lap so I can finger you while the others sleep.”

I rolled my eyes as I made my way to the bathroom. “Tyson will never agree to that and good luck even getting a seat next to me when he gets back.”

“Maybe I’ll leave him here. I don’t need him chaperoning us.”

He adjusted himself, walking to the front of the plane as he neatly folded my scarf. “Shit, Case, you got me hard again. They’re gonna think I couldn’t finish the job.”

“No one will think that,” I replied with a laugh.

I went into the bathroom, shutting the door and leaning against it. My legs were still shaking. The adrenaline of the day and of what we’d just done on top of what Mason had said had left me weakened to the core. He loved me. He’d said the words. We both had. And then, he’d asked me to marry him and there was no question his words had been sincere and that he’d meant it. I couldn’t imagine living without him again. I knew he would give me no choice but to go back to Treemont. Tyson would be the same now that the Bad Omens had compromised Donelli, and I’d been a victim. Neither of them would let me out of their protection again. Where in the past that might have bothered me, now I welcomed it. I could give up my life here, the identity I’d built for myself if it meant Mason would be in my life. If it meant I could touch him and see him every day. And I knew I never wanted him to be farther than my reach ever again.

I cleaned myself up and splashed water on my face, looking into the mirror. My hair was a mess, my curls mussy from Mason’s hands and the events of earlier. The day had gone from a nightmare to a frightening adrenaline filled rampage to save my brother and the man I loved to the most erotic and romantic moments of my life. This was the life I had accepted when I’d said yes. Had I said yes? I hadn’t actually said the word, but my heart had screamed it.

I smoothed my hands over my shirt and pulled my skirt down, hoping no one would notice my lack of underwear. Leaving the bathroom, I rushed out of the plane, searching for Mason and needing to say the word, to solidify my answer so he knew it without a doubt. I spotted him talking to Tyson and my heart lifted again at seeing them talking to each other. They’d always been inseparable, and it had hurt knowing my attraction to Mason had caused that rift.

I ran over to them and jumped into Mason’s arms, not caring that Tyson grumbled about it.

“What was that for?” Mason asked, holding onto me with his good arm. I had my legs wrapped so tight around him that his words came out raspy. Or maybe my move had turned him on again.

“Yes,” I said. “I forgot to say yes.”

He smiled, pulling me closer and kissing me.

“What the fuck, you two? I’m still getting used to this. Don’t think you’re going at it like this every time you’re together. And yes what?” Tyson rambled.

“Yes, I’ll marry him.”

“Marry?” Tyson flipped, causing Mason to chuckle. “Are you shitting me?”

“No, deal with it, Ty. Your sister is going to be my wife, whether or not you like it.”

“Dammit. First Riley, now this? What the fuck?” His complaints continued, but Mason just smiled, his smile lighting his eyes. Tyson lifted the hem of my skirt. “Are you not wearing any underwear? I’m gonna beat the shit out of you, Mace.”

Mason’s laughter filled the hangar, his kiss muffling it. Tyson’s complaints fell away, the world with them and all that was left was Mason and his love for me.

Chapter Twenty-Three


The soft curls of Casey’s hair fell gracefully through my fingers as I pretended to watch the movie. My mind was more on her and the feeling of having her so close. Her head was in my lap, her face turned to the fantasy movie she’d chosen. I would have taken advantage of the position if she hadn’t gone down on me when we’d first escaped to the basement, her mouth leaving me so weak I didn’t argue when she chose the movie. She was something, and she was mine.

My hand continued to play with her hair, my eyes trained on each strand as they floated down. I loved her curls, the way they gently framed her face, bouncing with her steps or swaying in the breeze when we went for walks on the grounds.

“Are you trying to distract me from the movie?” she asked, her voice lazily drifting over my ears.

It had been three weeks since the Bad Omens had struck, three weeks since the thought of losing her had wrenched my heart, nearly gutting me, three weeks since I’d moved her in with me. Three amazing weeks where I’d explored every inch of her fantastic body and she’d done the same to mine, taking me to new heights every time I indulged in her, which was frequent. But there were times like these when simply being inher presence made me the happiest, leaving me contented like I’d never been before.

Tyson still grumbled about us, but it had become playful, his complaints waning with the passing of time. He’d moved back in but now used the apartment more frequently to give us space.

I still planned to marry Casey, but with the newness of our relationship, she wanted us to take our time, to wait until after Riley’s wedding to make plans. Whatever made her happy made me happy, so I didn’t argue, content to know she loved me.