“I might be,” I replied to her question as she peeked up at me. “But you left me pretty tired with that stunt you pulled earlier.” I gave her a crooked grin, which she returned with a radiant smile. I’d found I never tired of her smiles or the way they warmed my soul.
My phone rang, ruining the moment, and I reached for it, seeing Greyson Tides’ number.
“Duty calls, princess.” Watching the sexy shiver run through her every time I called her princess had made it my favorite nickname.
“Tides,” I greeted him. “Calling to tell me how much you liked my gift.”
“Don’t pull that shit again, Brinks. Your sister threw up when she opened it.”
“You let my sister open packages sent to you?” I tried to remain calm, but it was hard. Tides grated on my nerves and anything that had to do with Riley sent that irritation skyrocketing.
Casey sat up, her eyes questioning me.
“You wanted her to be part of this world, Brinks. She needs to deal with dead bodies if she is. Personally, I prefer my women soft, not like you who let your woman take down your enemy for you. How is that shoulder doing, by the way?”
My grip on the phone tightened. I heard Riley complain in the background that she wasn’t soft.
“You’re not soft, baby girl.”
“Don’t call my sister that,” I groused, the nickname turning my stomach.
“And stop pouting like that or I’ll put those lips to use,” he said to her.
“Why you fucker,” I yelled, but I heard Riley retort back that if he didn’t stop, her lips wouldn’t be of any use the rest of the day. I wasn’t sure that made my thoughts on the subject any better, but it shut him up.
“I sent your message to the Omens,” he said, changing the subject.
When we’d rounded up the bodies, including the ones Casey had taken out, I kept a souvenir. The head stayed on ice until I sent it to Tides as an engagement gift. He may have enjoyed taunting me about his relationship with Riley, but I hit him where I could, when I could. The head was a purposeful show of my power. One I knew he’d use to send a warning to the Bad Omen. He was the only boss I knew who had a way of contacting them, although he’d never divulged how.
“And?” I asked.
“They didn’t respond, but I doubt they’ll come after you for a while. They may turn their attention away again, like they did with Donelli. The families you have alliances with will be safe for the time being. You struck them hard. Or maybe I should say your girl struck them hard.”
“Fuck off, Tides.” I didn’t bother arguing that my men and I had taken most of them out. If he wanted to believe Casey had done all the work, then let him underestimate me. I had a feeling he knew exactly how it had gone down, but he enjoyed goading me as much as I enjoyed goading him.
“I plan to when I get done with this conversation.” I could hear the smirk in his voice and my urge to reach through the phone and strangle him grew.
“They’re using marks, Tides.”
He stayed quiet for a few seconds. “I know, and it means they could be anywhere. I don’t know when they’ll strike again, but they’ll come after you and now that it’s out that Riley connects us, they’ll come after me.” Riley muttered something in the background, but I couldn’t make it out. “We’re moving the wedding up,” he finally said.
“You promised her a Christmas wedding.”
“I did, but I won’t wait that long. There’s too much at risk with the Omen stirring things up. The wedding needs to happen sooner. I’ll give her something special at Christmas to make it up to her.”
“Damn right you will.” This time, I heard her loud and clear.
“What did I tell you about running that mouth, baby girl? Now be a good girl and take those clothes off. I’m almost done with this call.”
“Dammit Tides, you say that shit to stir me up and I swear the next time I see you, my fist will be in your face.”
“Idle threats, Brinks. The wedding is being moved to next month. She gets a spring wedding. Until then, make sure your men stay on guard. Lock down every business, every loose end you have, every mouth the Omen can leverage to get to you. And make sure those families in the west are still loyal. I’ve heard rumblings about Tirenti.”
“I’ll take care of those rumblings. You worry about keeping my sister safe.”
“Keeping her happy is the hard part. This wedding shit is killing me.”
“Hey!” Riley yelled.