Donelli had told me he’d kept our relationship quiet. But someone knew. Someone watching Donelli from the outside, or worse, from the inside.
“We need to get to that truck.”
Angie looked over my shoulder. “It’s so far away!”
“There’s no one here.” Just as I said it, a man rounded the corner. This one was alert and armed. He was alone, but that didn’t mean there weren’t others. I didn’t see any other cars, which told me they had parked in the back. Deciding to take the chance, I aimed. All the years of Tyson’s training came back to me as I released the trigger. He turned too late, and the bullet tore through his head. I heard a muffled scream as his body collapsed. Angie’s hand was over her mouth, muting her fright.
“Let’s go!” I dragged her with me, fearing the shot would send more men coming.
There were no keys in the truck, but two more guns were under the seat. And there was a phone. It was an ancient flip phone, but I didn’t care.
“Who uses those things anymore?” Angie said, throwing me a disgusted look from where she stood inside the passenger door.
Rolling my eyes, I flipped it open, only then realizing the battery was dead.
“Dammit!” I threw the phone, my eyes darting to the building and my fear compounded until I heard the jingle of keys.
Angie held a pair of keys out to me.
“I know how my father’s men work and the ones he hires for these jobs don’t hide their spare keys well.”
That statement left me with too many questions, so I kept my mouth shut and hopped into the truck. She tossed the keys to me, standing there, that disgusted look morphing her features again.
“You don’t expect me to sit in this…this thing, do you?”
“Get in the fucking truck, Angie, or I swear I’ll deliver your ass to the Bad Omens personally when this is over. As much as you like getting fucked, I don’t think you’d like some dirty old man buying you and making you his sex slave for the rest of your life.”
She pursed her lips. “If he’s buying me, he’ll be rich, right?”
“You’re gross. Get in the truck.” My patience was running thin, my time running out.
I bit back my rage as she gingerly climbed into the pickup, closing the door with her thumb and index finger as if shit layered it.
A gun shot fired, the windshield shattering as the bullet hit the seat between us. I ducked, starting the truck and tearing from the site while bullets rained on us. When the sound stopped, I peeked at Angie, seeing her huddled on the floor but with no injuries. We had a head start, and I made the most of it, flooring the accelerator as I weaved in and out of traffic, swerving off the highway at the next exit and hoping they would assume I’d stayed on the highway.
The airport was about thirty minutes out and I had a full tank of gas and the determination that those assholes weren’t laying a finger on my man or my brother. The pressure of the gun sat against my leg where I’d tucked it and the other two in the seat, reminding me that I’d blow anyone’s brains out if they even dared.
Chapter Nineteen
Tyson hadn’t spoken to me, ignoring me, even as I watched the worry etch further into his face. I paced the cabin of the plane until I could take it no more.
“Are you ever going to talk to me again?” I asked him, throwing my hands in the air.
He remained silent, and I ran my hands through my hair in frustration.
“What do you want from me, Ty? I can’t take it back, nor would I if I could.”
Still, he stayed silent.
“Fuck you, then. If you can’t trust me enough to know I won’t hurt her, to believe me when I say I love her, then you’re a bigger ass than I thought.”
I sat, staring out the window, clenching my hands over and over to calm the nerves that were ricocheting through me.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked, his voice calm.