Page 59 of Forbidden Cravings

“What am I supposed to do with this?”

“File your nails with it. What do you think you should do with it?” I snapped, wishing I’d left her tied up.

Taking the stairs one by one, hammer at the ready, I held my breath and prayed they’d been foolish enough to leave us alone. But they were Omens, so that wasn’t likely. When I reached thelast step, I saw one flipping through his phone. His gun was on the table, far enough away to divert his attention from it. And again, I wondered at the way these men were handling things. Even men assigned to guard me never relaxed on the job. They always remained vigilant.

Turning, I put my finger to my mouth and grabbed the brick from Angie.

“Do what you do best, and get that guard’s attention,” I whispered.

“What I do best? What does that mean?”

“It means be the slut you are and show him your tits. Fuck him for all I care. Just keep him occupied.”

“He’ll kill me!” she hissed.

But I didn’t think he would, not from everything I’d seen so far. “Just do it.”

She frowned but pulled her shirt down, letting her breasts spill over even further. With a wiggle, she pushed her shorts down so that her hips were visible, along with almost half her ass. Sashaying over to him, I watched her in action. He stood no chance as he fumbled for his gun, dropping his phone at the same time Angie sat on his lap. The gun slid out of reach, dropping onto the ground with a thud.

“What the fuck?” he asked, grabbing her arms.

“Fuck? I’m not against that,” she purred. “Those two weren’t my type but you…” her fingers dug at his pants, “you seem like you’d fuck me like a real man.”

He was speechless, clearly regarding her as no threat, because he let her arms go and grabbed her waist, pulling her onto the bulge in his pants.

“You want to be fucked, honey?”

“So hard it breaks me.”

He grunted, his hands cupping her breasts and pulling her shirt down. Her tits would have impressed me if mine weren’tbigger and she hadn’t forced me in the changing room with her countless times over the years I’d known her, bragging about how perfect hers were compared to my chubby ones. Chubby, my ass. My tits were perkier and fuller, but I’d bitten my lip each time, knowing it wasn’t worth the battle.

I dropped to the floor and crawled to the gun.

Just as he squeezed her breast, I squeezed the trigger, my aim precise after years of target practice with Tyson and Donelli’s men. The bullet tore through his neck, blood splattering everywhere. Angie screamed, jumping from his body as he fell against her.

“Shut up, Angie!” I hissed, taking her arm and pulling her with me.

“There’s blood…in my mouth,” she cried, wiping her fingers over her face.

“Better than that guy's dick between your legs or the dick of some sex slave buyer.”

“His dick was big; it might not have been as bad as this.”

Glaring at her, I yanked her shirt back up and dragged her behind me, surprised there were no other guards. They’d seriously underestimated me, grouping me in the same defenseless category as Angie, who was still complaining about how I’d ruined her designer outfit. My urge to leave her behind was growing. Something felt off again, and I readied my gun as a precaution.

“Do you know where we are?” I asked, surveying the empty construction site from a corner.

“Daddy’s new shopping mall,” she said.

“The one in east Bayport?”

“Yeah, see, you can see the city to the west of us.”

We weren’t far from the airport. There was no one around, but I spotted a pickup parked a few feet from us. “Angie, how long was I out?”

“I don’t know. A long time. They had us both stuffed in the trunk forever before they dragged us out and tied us up.”

That didn’t help me determine how much time we had before Mason landed. He wouldn’t expect an ambush since I was the one who had called him. Unless the idiots had told him they had us. Which, given the three men who had underestimated us, gave me hope they had, and that Mason would be extra cautious.