Page 10 of Nest Of Lies

I’ve worked out a way to sneak through some purchases that my mother would not approve of. I need to buy a whole heap of Lia-approved crap and sneak in the desired item.

All my purchases are supposed to be checked by Francine’s replacement, but I suspect they feel sorry for the rigorous control my mother has over my life and let a couple of items slip through.

I grab a yogurt and peel off the top, licking it before I fling it in the bin. I pause, the sudden emptiness of the house weighing on me. It’s a big place to be alone in.

I grab my phone and check it. Nothing from Ryn. No word from Locke since we went to Twin Rivers to find him, not a single word from Kelly since his sudden reemergence, and Raider has slunk back to his hole to lick his wounds on the ice. Bethany at least has the excuse of her pack, they are screwing like bunnies last I heard.

I wonder if I broke this phone, if I slipped it down the garbage disposal, would anyone notice I wasn’t answering?

I consider doing that, and then imagine that I fall down the stairs. The thought leaves me trembling. Intrusive thoughts are a bitch. I looked it up after a few days of anxiousmeltdowns when I was seventeen. Everyone gets them. But still, sometimes they grab me by the throat and hold me hostage.

What if I died here or slipped and was paralyzed? No one would know. No one would come to check on me.

I’m struck seeing an image of me blinking on the floor as day after day passes and I grow weaker and weaker. I’d call, but no one would come. Help so close, but no one would know I’m dying alone.


I jerk my head towards the front door, frowning in confusion. But clarity blooms and I beam, bouncing towards the entranceway! I edge towards the door, dropping the tub of yogurt on a small table. I’m almost at the solid wood door when something hits it on the other side.

I yelp, and then shove a hand over my mouth to muffle the sounds of my laughter. However, I’m not deterred. If anything, I’m hiding a smile, and my heart is leaping.

I pull open the front door and scream as jello hits me in the chest.

I stagger back as I look down at my top. My clothes are covered with green goo, but I almost immediately dismiss it and look instead for the culprit.

“You shot me!” I say in fascination and outrage.

This has Ranger written all over it, playful, funny, designed to tease and get me laughing. He’s free-spirited and wild.

They have different attack patterns and styles. Valen is extreme. He’s the guy who will remove all the furniture from my house and have it set on the front lawn.

Ianto is a romantic. He leaves roses on my bed and takes photos of me sleeping. Often I will find deliberate signs he’s been in the house, but I will never see him.

Mills painted an entire wall of my house. He snuck in and painted a beautiful mural. His pranks often end up on the sweet side and have me in awe of his big heart.

Zaden has only pranked me three times in the last four years. The first one scared me half to death. He turned my mansion into a spooky house while I was sleeping. I had so much fun and then, at the end, I found him standing there, leaning against a wall, watching me. He always stays, so I know it’s him.

While the others are intense, Zaden takes it to a whole next level.

I lunge through the front door, just missing a big blob of raspberry-coloured jelly that flies into my house.

I hear Ranger’s laugh ring out, and I climb up onto the porch rail, trying to spot him.

“Ranger!” I shout. “You’re dead!”

“Bring it, babe!”

I snarl and grab the water gun I keep hidden.

Ranger lets out a wicked-sounding laugh, and I spot him rolling away. Another blob slams into my house, and I realise he’s got it set up on some kind of automaton.

I aim and fire, hitting him in the face with the fish sauce.

Ranger howls. “I’m hit. I’m hit!” There’s a pause. “What the actual fuck, Lia!”

I giggle hysterically, jump down off the rail, and run around my mansion, dodging and diving through bushes and my manicured gardens.

“You’re in so much trouble now!” Ranger snarls.