Page 9 of Nest Of Lies

“Lia, stop arguing with him,” Ryn hisses.

I think I’m supposed to be scared, but I’m not. I’m frustrated and hurting, and I’m not sick.

“Get her the fuck out of my sight,” Zaden snarls as if he can’t bear the sight of me.

“Sure, Zaden. I’ve got her,” Raider says in a low voice.

I’m pulled back into Raider’s arms, but I glare first at my captor and then the guy who kissed me.

“What’s your name?” I snap.

His eyebrows go up, and he smirks. “Ranger. My name is Ranger.”

I’m dragged backwards out of the room, still staring at the man who stole my first kiss. He’s beautiful, and his smile is stunning. Maybe it’s the kiss that makes me crazy, maybe it’s how hot he is. Either way, I have no ability to stop what comes out of my mouth next. All I know is that I just got a taste of what flying was like, and I’m not willing to give it up.

“I owe you a kiss!” I shout at him.

He bursts into laughter, and the sting of my removal eases. Raider mutters something unsavoury and drags me away.

I want that man to steal another kiss.

I realise in that moment that I feel alive for the first time in so long; I feel something that isn’t just the crumbs my mother left me.

Chapter three


Aurelia Raines Aged 24

I sit in myivory tower and waste away, year by year, month by month. This mansion is beautiful, but it may as well be a grey brick prison. Mama’s blocked all my ways out. I can’t work, I can’t take the town car and go to the shops like a normal person. I’m trapped in this very expensive mansion, and there’s no white knight on horseback coming to save me.

The roar of bikes has me up and snarling. I rush across the room, moving to the window to watch them. I lean so close my nose is almost pressed up against the cold glass.

“Those heathens,” I hiss.

Valen gets off his bike first, swinging a long, lean leg over his matte black beast. He pulls his helmet off, and I wonder if he’s practiced this. How to look like a demigod when dismounting one’s ride. Is it an art form? Does it come naturally? Did he practice the moves until he became prolific?

He laughs and turns towards someone else. I don’t know a lot of the others, it’s hard to work out who is who, but I know my five. I’ve never forgotten that night in their study.

“Who makes him laugh like that?” I whisper to myself.

Ranger kissed me. Valen with all the tatts. Ianto was the dangerous one. Mills with the cakes, and Zaden is the president. My ears perk up whenever I hear their names, or their laughs, or their voices. Those five reside in the mansion next door all year round, whileeveryone else is transient. Torture. It’s agony to exist so close to them. Which means, I get to constantly study them and be as big a pain in ass as I can.

They are who I am having this silent war with. This silent, infuriating war that has slowly grown into an all-encompassing beast. I live for the moments I see them. If we catch each other’s eyes, I’m happy for a week. Exchange a few words? I’m all a-flutter.

Obsessed would be an appropriate description. I’m a silent voyeur watching their lives through this tiny window on the second floor of my mansion. Wanting, yearning, dreaming.

They go inside, and the music turns on. I humph and collapse on the couch, sprawled on my back. I slide a hand up to my chest and feel my heart beating hard. Idly, I wonder why it doesn’t make a sound every time it breaks.

I get up and wander away, knowing they won’t come out for a while. It’s always like this on Friday nights. Sometimes I’m so jealous of the fact that they have people and they aren’t alone that it feels like poison. It’s ridiculous.

I bound down the stairs and put on my music. Derision’s latest hit comes on, and I turn and narrow my eyes at the bluetooth speaker.

“Nope. That is forbidden!”

After the song is changed to some crooning ballad, I dance my way to the fridge and open it. I need to do some shopping.

With a grumble, I lean on the island and send the online order.