Page 34 of Nest Of Lies

The throb of Harley’s fills the air, and my excitement turns my body to an anxious wreck. From the road, I can see them pour down the driveway. I turn and race up the stairs, going into my secret room and climbing up on the window seat so I can press my nose to the glass and see what’s going on.

To be fair, they are like an addiction. It’s been five whole hours since they left me alone and went on their run. The dates were weeks ago, and I swear I’ve been detoxing from them, and then, like magic, they appeared this morning, saving me from myself. One glorious hour of food and teasing conversation, and then they were gone. I need to break free from this hold they have on me. But not today.

It takes three seconds to know something is wrong. Ranger is missing. I count over and over. Searching for him. My heart races and tears burn my eyes. I rapidly blink them away. Zaden is shouting, waving his arms. The whole MC is pouring into the property. The throb of their bikes has turned into a roar. I push up off the seat, no longer concerned with hiding but needing to see what’s going on.

Ianto and Valen get back on their bikes and three quarters of the twenty-five bikes that had just arrived turn and roar down the road again.

But not Zaden. No, his shoulders are tight, and his expression that I catch before he heads into the house is agonised.

Mills shouts out some orders, and then he turns and jogs into the house, too. I’ve never seen him look like this. Dangerous. For the first time, it makes sense why Mills is part of the pack.

I don’t hesitate; I sneak over there. Climbing up the tree and into the hidden door. I get to the bedroom and push, but it’s blocked. I frown, confused, before a horrified realisation strikes me.

They locked me out?

For a moment, I tremble in the dark behind the hidden door in the closet, unable to handle the rejection.

But I push it aside. I don’t care. Ranger is what’s important.

I go back down and enter through the back of the house. I’m silent as I approach Zaden’s study. No one sees anything as I slip inside and stare at him as he shouts on the phone.

He hangs up and spits out a curse that makes me blush. But then he inhales and looks up, his eyes turning fiery as he finds me straight away. In a pitch black room, I’m convinced Zaden would be able to pinpoint me every time.

“What the fuck are you doing here, Lia? Go the fuck home. I don’t have time for your games.”

The words lash at me, opening up tiny cuts on my soul, but I don’t let it deter me.

“Where is Ranger?”

He hisses and slams his hand on the desk so hard that I jump. “MILLS!”

I move in front of his desk, staring up at him, seeing the fear, the confusion, and the pain.

“Where is Ranger?”

“I DON’T KNOW!” he roars.

I don’t step back. I’m not afraid of him. All I want to do is go and crush myself to his chest and tell him it will be okay.

“What can I do-”

“Go home, Lia! There’s nothing you can do. Nothing you could possibly do. So go home.”

I stare at him, my eyes burning. The rejection takes root inside me. But I don’t want to make things harder. “Okay, Zaden.”

I turn and meet Mills on the stairs. “I think you’re supposed to be escorting me home.”

Mills glances up the stairs, and I look back to find Zaden watching.

“Take her home, Mills.” His voice is crisp and unlike I’ve ever heard him.

“Sure, Alpha.”

Mills reaches out and takes my elbow, guiding me out of the house and past several members of the club. It’s humiliating. Painful. Where is Ranger?

We get to my house and I pause.

“Mills, can you just tell me what happened?”