Page 33 of Nest Of Lies

It happened in our backyard. This shit doesn’t happen on our turf. The sheer outrage of it still pisses me off.

My body is screaming, but I think of Lia. Why do they want to speak to her? Why do they want to know about her?

My protective instincts are well and truly in control. Nothing will pass my lips about Lia.

Nothing. I swallow hard and wonder if I’m about to die. I wish I could see her. Tell her I’m sorry.

I lay there breathing heavily, wishing everything could be different. That she wasn’t so innocent.

That we weren’t so bad for her.

My mind drifts, and I remember the first time I saw her. Standing at the railing, the glow of the lights below illuminated her. She’d been pretty enough that she’d caught my attention.

What I hadn’t expected was the need that had slammed into me. That connection to her was instant and as powerful as a freight train. There was no denying or escaping the pull.

Kissing her was impulsive and dangerous, but when I did, part of me fit back together. I could never explain it well to the others, but Lia became as important to me as the pack was. Lying here on the dusty, filthy ground, I can admit the truth to myself. Lia is pack.

“Take him back.”

I must black out because I wake up when I’m thrown into the back of a van. My body screams in protest, but I force my eyes open to stare at baby Raines.

Bailey crouches beside me and smiles widely. “It was fun.”

I nod my head and regret it. “Absolute blast. I’ll send your regards to your cousins.”

Bailey hesitates, and for a moment, I think I see a fierce desire, but he smothers it quickly.

“Tell Zaden we won’t be pushed out.” Bailey shrugs and leans over me so I can see his face. “And stay away from Lia.”

I growl at him.

But he hops out of the van and slams the door. Leaving me alone in the dark.

The ride is more painful than I’m willing to admit.

Then we stop. It’s sudden and unexpected. But it’s not home, I know that much. Where am I? I rally up all my strength and sit up, ready to kick out at them, but the door opens at the side, surprising me, and I’m pulled out by the back of my torn and bloody shirt. I land heavily, and they drag me up to the porch.

Whoever it is laughs as he throws me down and bangs his fist on the door, then he leaves.

I force my eyes to stay open until I’m sure they’re gone. Only then do I collapse back, my eyes rolling, pain overtaking me.

I’m safe for now.

It all fades away.

Chapter twelve


The music is somethingno one in the world has heard before, and it’s a masterpiece. Ryn sent me her new songs a few days ago, and I’m completely in love with the one called Yearning. I feel like she ripped out my heart and laid it bare for all to see.

It’s strange, though, usually Ryn hires someone else to sing the songs for her when she sends me demos. But my cousin is singing these songs, and her voice is so husky and beautiful that it brings tears to my eyes. I sniffle and curl up tighter on the couch as the music reaches a crescendo. Ryn’s voice soars on alone, higher and clearer and more poignant than anything I’ve ever heard. The agony in it is clear as day.

We don’t talk about them.

Fate’s Choice, the band she works with. Or the Mirakill MC. We don’t talk about our feelings, but I think perhaps my cousin knows exactly how I feel.

I hear a sound, and I immediately forget about the song, racing to the front window to peer out.