Page 32 of Nest Of Lies

He nods his head and then sighs loudly. “Yeah, okay. Cook her a meal. That can be your punishment for breaking my rules.”

Zaden walks away.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m going to get the pack so they can come over and spend some time with her before we go on the run.”

I jog over to him and kiss him hard. “I love you, Zaden.”

“Yes, I love you, too,” he says gruffly and stomps out.

Chapter eleven


I smile up atthe dark-haired man who looks so familiar, and yet, I know I’ve never seen before in my life. He’s got Lia’s eyes and her smile. I would recognise them anywhere. I wonder if Lia knows she has a brother or cousin who is a piece of shit that rides with the Despair MC. He can try, but he’s not going to break me, and every time I look at him, I remember why. The irony isn’t lost on me.

He slams his knuckles into my face and grins at me, his smile as unhinged as my own. He swipes his black hair back and sighs in contentment, and I think, maybe, if he wasn’t part of this club, I might actually like him.

“How’s that feel?” he teases, he sounds like Raider. This kid is a fucking Raines through and through.

“Piss weak,” I say and spit blood. I shift, testing the restraints, but he’s got me tied up really well. I can’t even get a bit of movement.

All I can see in this room is the bright light shining down. We’re obviously in some dirty warehouse. It feels big and empty, but the shadows are so deep that I can’t see far past the circle of light I’ve been placed in.

He hums and then picks up a baseball bat. He moves towards me but stops. It’s an obvious threat, and whilst I feel a moment of despair for my lovely face, it’s not enough to persuade me to turn on them. Nothing would be enough.

“Tell me about her.” I can’t see the man who’s been asking me questions. He’s in the shadows, but obviously, he’s running this thing. I wonder if he’s Lia’s dad or uncle. A secret Raines living in the violent shadows of the city's underbelly. I snort in amusement.

He can ask all the questions he likes. He’s not getting anything. Nothing. I’d die first. Especially considering they haven’t been asking about the club. Or operations. No, all they want to know about is my Lia. Not a fucking snowball’s chance in hell.

I cock my head to the side and lick my ripped and bloody lips. “Who?”

“Don’t play dumb. How is she?” The man’s voice vibrates with rage and frustration.

I press my lips together and glare at the dark. I’m the vice president of the Mirakill MC and all they care about is my Lia.


The younger man tosses the baseball bat and slams his knuckles into my ribs. Bailey. His name is Bailey. Lia doesn’t know about him, she would have told us. Little bastard might not live long as a Raines if I get free.

He goes on and on. In the end, the chair gives way, and I collapse to the ground. It was a good flogging. I don’t think I’ve been this fucked up in a long time. I’m fighting to stay conscious and wondering if this is where I’m going to die. At least the pack won’t feel it. The only other thing I’ve done than hold my tongue is keep the bonds shut down so they can’t feel what’s happening to me.

I wish I could have done things differently.

The young man stops, glancing at the shadows. “Dad, it’s enough. You want to send a message, right? So, send him back like this.”

Dad. The word swims in my head, but it’s hard to make sense of anything.

Time has lost meaning, and I come to with my restraints cut. The boy is bending over me, and I think I see regret on his face.

“You’re not made for a life in the club,” I say with clarity. The words come out slurred. “You gotta be all in.”

Bailey grabs my jaw and glares down at me. “Just tell me how she is?”

I shake my head, and it makes the room swim alarmingly. “I’ll never talk, but then I’m all in.”

It was such a dumb mistake that got me caught. Complacency is the enemy of the day. We were on the run, just a pre-organised run. One we’ve done a dozen times. I stopped to get a bag of candy for Lia. Momma Welland makes the best caramel cobblers. Didn’t see them. Hell, I didn’t expect them. I was distracted and outnumbered.