I fold the wrapping and put it in my pocket, and then turn on my phone torch. It’s half a locket, but on the inside where a photo should be is a tiny, hand-painted picture of a road that stretches to the horizon and five shadow bikes.
Damn it.
I lift the leather cord up and add the necklace to the collection I wear.
This is why we can’t have her. How long would it take for us to steal that bright, golden light out of her and leave her an empty shell?
Zaden is right. She’s not for us.
Chapter six
I lean back inmy office chair and blink, then blink again. The smiley face doesn’t disappear. Maybe I’m that tired, maybe I need sleep. I sit forward and level my eyes on my pack mate and fellow alpha, Ianto. His flavour of life is to sit back while the chaos he loves rains down on everyone until I point him in a direction and tell him to kill.
He becomes a violent, brutal, and ruthless machine. He’s also a stunning specimen of an alpha with his tawny skin, black eyes, and muscles for days. The women who come to party with us often refer to him as Angel. He looks like a fallen angel with perfectly sculpted, cock-sucking lips. He never gives anyone the time of day. Anyone except her or the pack. I scowl and glance back up.
I point to the ceiling. “You see that, too, right?”
He tilts his head back, and a tiny smile graces his normally expressionless face. “Yes.”
“Right, knew I wasn’t insane. How the fuck is she still managing to break in here without us knowing? We’re a fucking MC, for fuck’s sake.”
“She’s smart,” Ianto says and leans back on the couch. He doesn’t seem worried at all.
“She’s smart, beautiful, and completely innocent. She should not be over here. I feel sick just thinking about the shit she might see. Ya know, I caught Jace pissing in a frying pan last night. When I asked him what the fuck he was doing, he said it was cold as piss, so he decided to heat some up. I mean, what the fuck was he smoking? Seriously.” I rub my aching temples. “That kind of thing is exactly the reason she can’t be running around here without an escort!”
Ianto doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t need to. We’ve had this conversation over and over.
I stand up and pace the crimson carpet. My heavy bookshelves hold all my favourite books. And the huge desk holds all my favourite weapons. It’s my haven.
Hanging on the back of my chair is my leather vest, complete with the Mirakill Owl patch. And the patch that says president. I reach out and stroke it. I’ve been raised for this, growing up in the club. It’s my legacy, but I miss my dad. He had to leave. The club is too small for the both of us, but, fuck, I wish I could talk to him right now. I wish I could hear what he’d say about this situation, but then again, I don’t. Because I know what he’d say, and it’s what I’m fighting. He’d say the club comes first, before everything.
“We need to find a way to stop her from coming here,” I mutter. For her safety and ours.
“But first, we need to retaliate, right?” Ianto says and folds his arms over his chest. “That is what you’re going to say?”
I hesitate and then give a sharp nod. “Send Valen, and tell him he’s not to talk to her or be seen this time.”
Ianto smirks and pushes up with feline-like grace and pads quietly from the room.
It’s a party night tonight. The Mirakill MC are gathering here, and I need to be focused. Someone is fucking with us. Too many little things have been going wrong. Money missing. A brother getting caught doing something when it should have been a done deal. The cops showing up before a rumble even starts. Our business information suddenly finding its way into the cops’ hands.
I’ve got a rat situation. I didn’t want to admit it, but the growing evidence is pointing me in that direction. The stress is pressing on me. I’ve got furious club members wanting blood, and I don’t know where to point them, not yet. All the evidence says one of our seven prospects.
But I’m not sure.
I might be the prez, but it feels like it’s only putting a bullseye between my shoulder blades. I’ve been hearing rumours of rival MCs looking to expand into our territory. A rat and rivals. It’s the worst timing.
I rub my hand across my stubble, my mind going back to Lia. I should not be indulging these games with her, but this ongoing pranking war has been a distraction that I haven’t been able to give up. The night we’d met, I’d dismissed her. She was hot and fearless, but she passed from my mind quickly.
This issue with Lia was she grew on me, one prank at a time. One smile dragged from me when I saw evidence of her exploits after another. Her quick smile, inquisitive nature, and innocence had stolen into me until I dreamed about her softness. Until she was an obsession. I watch her mansion every night, staring at the orange lights. Any sign of her is a high.
I need more. We all do. The bonds thrum with her name. Lia, in our sleep, in our waking, in our fantasies. Even in our most intimate moments when we’re fucking, we think of her.
The pretty beta is something special. She’s unspoilt, and I would keep her that way. Our brand of love would ruin her.
My vice president enters the room with the swagger that makes people, both women and men, sit up and notice him. And while all eyes are on him, they miss my pack moving into position. He flicks me a pretty smile, and I remember how loud he’d screamed my name last night. Maybe we can do it again.