Page 16 of Nest Of Lies

“What do you want, Ranger?”

He grins, ignoring my surly question. “I want you to come downstairs and have a drink with me.”

I snort. “I have work to do.”

Ranger leans on my desk, drawing a smiley face with one finger. “Downstairs, come on.”

I stop pacing and spin. “What have you done?”

“Moi?” Ranger puts his fingertips to his chest and bats his eyelashes. “Not me.”

I narrow my eyes and step towards him. “Then who?”

“Our magical little fairy beta,” Ranger whispers and blows me a kiss with his middle finger.

I groan and storm past him, jogging downstairs. Ranger points at the kitchen. I head in that direction, ignoring the people who are loitering around. Badger, a big, burly biker with a long beard, leaves the room, shaking his head and chortling happily.

Mills is leaning against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest. He’s looking up, but he’s got this smile on his lips, this amused and awed smile.

I look up.

And groan.

“How did she even get up there?” I snap, repeating my earlier question.

Mills glances at me, his eyes dancing. As the MCs secretary, he’s brilliant, incredible at understanding and sorting out problems and getting people to talk to him. Plus, he’s got a memory for all the gossip and details about the club members. All the shit that gives me a headache. He also loves baking and can shoot better than almost everyone I know.

The exceptions being Ianto and Valen.

He is also the one who gets past my rules about staying away from little miss beta.

I peer back up and groan louder. She’s created a smiley face out of smiley face stickers, and it takes up half the kitchen.

It’s the difference between us right there. She’s golden and sunny, almost juvenile in her pranks. They are cute. Adorable.

Completely inappropriate for a club room.

“Get it down now.”

Mills snorts and stands up. He goes to the fridge and pulls out a sandwich that he slaps against my chest.

“You skipped lunch.”

“I don’t have time.”

“You skipped lunch,” he growls.

I won’t win this fight, so I take the sandwich and peel off the cling-wrap. I take a bite, and only after I’ve had a mouthful do I recognise how hungry I am.

“When is everyone going to be here?” Mills asks.

“About two hours.”

“Who is going to answer this?” Mills asks and points to the ceiling.

“Valen,” I growl.

Mills purses his lips and looks away.