I grip her pussy through her jeans, and she pushes herself into my palm.
“What name are we screaming?”
“Beezie!” she says breathlessly.
I rub harder.
“VALEN!” I love watching her face when she comes.
She collapses bonelessly, and I catch her and snatch her up, carrying her back to the house.
“If you ever think you’ve forgotten my name, say so, and I’ll be here to make you remember. Forever.”
I drop her in the kitchen and turn her toward Ianto.
“Ask him about your precious Beezie.” I kiss the back of her head, smack her ass, and give her a little push.
Then I walk away whistling.
She walks straight overto me and into my arms like she belongs there, which she does. She’s so small, all delicate fire. With amusement, I watch as she rests her forehead on my shoulder and shudders delicately.
“I can’t find Beezie.”
“Oh, that’s awful. Do you want my help?”
She nods her head.
I pick her up and carry her out of the kitchen, slowly climbing the stairs.
“Yes, Ianto?”
“Are you happy?”
She stiffens and lifts her head. “Why would you ask that?”
“I want to make sure you have everything you could ever want. I want to know we’re keeping you happy.”
She presses a kiss to my lips. “I’m yours, Ianto. Now and forever, and just that thought makes me so happy.”
I smile at her and stop outside Zaden’s office. “Then you better go in there.”
She steps back when I let her go, but gives me a quizzical glance.
“Are you happy?”
I pause. “Oh, Lia. You are colour in a grey, violent world. I will always be happy if you are nearby.”
With that, I turn and walk away, smirking.
She walks in allfire and brimstone. Her hackles are up, her desire to fight with me sparked.
But then we’re always like that. Two live wires who create sparks.