Page 116 of Nest Of Lies

I’m shaking. Every part of me is screaming not to do this.

She frowns and bites her bottom lip.

“You don’t want us anymore. You think you’re better off with them. Fine. Here they are!”

I get out of the car, slamming the door, and go to the passenger side. My heart is thumping in my chest, and I’ve never hurt more than I do right now.

I open the door, wait, but when she doesn’t move, I reach in, unclip her seatbelt, and drag her from the car. She whines and tries to pull free, but I refuse to let her go.

I drag her along the path and find them easily. They are where they are every goddamn perfectly blissful morning of their existence. Sitting on a picnic blanket chatting. I hate them. Every single one of these spoiled, pampered princes.

“Here they are,” I hiss in her ear and turn her around so she can see them. But Lia surprises me, squeezing her eyes closed. “You want them so bad. Here’s your chance. You’d just need to go over there and set it all to rights. They could be yours.”

Lia struggles, fighting me, resisting me as I draw her towards them. Her nails bite into my skin, and I can feel her getting more and more frantic. She’s breathing really hard and whining.

“Ianto, stop. Don’t do this. Fuck! Stop!” Lia’s voice is full of all the emotion I’ve been longing to hear. Finally, but for them. My bitterness can’t see past it.

I ignore her, but then I suddenly stop and whirl on her. Our lips are almost touching when I whisper the next words.

“Or I could kill them and end your torment. Would you want that instead?”

She yanks her arm free and slaps me so hard across the face I see stars.

We stare at each other. I watch as her fury changes to despair.

“Are you all right, Omega?”

It’s one of them. I wait for Lia to turn, for my entire world to burst into flames. For everything to turn to ashes. She will turn and see him, and there will be a moment of recognition, and then I’ll have to put a bullet in this cunts brain…or mine.

She stiffens, her eyes locked on mine. Her fingers curl into my upper arms. “We’re fine,” she says loudly. “Just a misunderstanding. Thank you, though.”

I frown, confused. “Lia? What are you doing?” I whisper.

“Make him go away, right now, Ianto, or I swear to all that’s holy, I will put a lit rag in your bike’s petrol tank,” she hisses furiously.

The vicious tone is so much like my Lia that I almost grin. I refocus my attention on the man approaching. Lia’s face is still pressed up against my chest, and she’s trembling, but that salty scent of pain is gone. Now, it’s toasted marshmallows. My Lia is mad at me. Is she refusing him? Does she want us over her scent matches?

Her scent match is a doctor, with perfect brown hair and unblemished skin. He’s young and has no scars and has parents who love him and siblings. I know because Zaden sent out that email with all the details about them. They are polished little rich boys. All doctors, all with no history of drug use or criminal activities. They are respected, not feared. Their omega is a passing fling. How could they resist my Lia?

He is what she wants, right?

“Fuck off,” I snarl suddenly. Lia’s chance is gone, I’m not giving her a second one.

He says something else, but I growl at him, and he backs off. He pauses, looking back, his face contemplative. I wrap a huge hand around the back of her head and bring her up against my chest.

The other pack members are watching, but they don’t get up. They don’t move towards us. I study the alpha’s concerned stare. He’s got pretty eyes that widen as he looks from me to her. I think I see regret on his face, but it’s too late. In that moment, I change my mind.

“They can’t have you now,” I growl so only she can hear me. I wrap an arm around her, pulling her into the shelter of my body as I glare at her alpha.

“Thank you,” Lia calls out and slips past me. She doesn’t turn as she reaches out and grabs my wrist and pulls me after her.

“Get in the car and take us home!” Lia spits out, fuming. Her cheeks are red, and her eyes are shining.

I’m still not sure of this angry and confident Lia, but I think I like it. No, she made a decision and claimed us. I love it.

It takes up to an hour to get back to our turf, but she doesn’t say a word, and I’m too nervous to break the silence.

I get out of the car and immediately fall in the dirt as Mills tackles me, roaring his pain into my face.