Page 115 of Nest Of Lies

“I’m not sure why I’m telling you this, just that I need to tell someone, and I know you won’t repeat it. He’s too strong. Our alphas' natures are starting to clash. I’d send you guys out into the world but for one problem.”

I follow his gaze to the Raines mansion.

“One day, I want to see my grandkids. But to save you from having to put a bullet in my head, I’m leaving. I’m taking most of the original crew who will come with me. Badger has volunteered to stay and teach someone the money side. How to run the business.”

He falls silent, and I think about how much he looks like Zaden. My alpha will miss his father.

I’ll miss him. His strong morals and good humour, along with that firm discipline, have remoulded me in the image of an alpha I can be proud of.

I love him. He’s like a father I never had.

“I’m proud of you, Ianto. Really proud.”

When he puts his arms around me, I hug him back and wish I had the words to say what’s inside.

I blink back to the here and now and frown up at the blue sky.

I’m almost calm. I almost have myself under control, but then I spot Lia sneaking into the shed. It’s like the world turns to night. The warmth seeps from my body, leaving me cold and shaking with pain.

I let out a fierce growl and stalk after her. She is rooting around in the car when I enter.

“Where are you going, Lia?” I snarl.

She jumps, her wide eyes staring at me in shock. Wary. Is she scared of me now? Fine! I’ll really give her something to fear!

“Are you going to them?” I spit, pushing her up against the car. I box her in, leaning over her.

Jealousy spikes through me, leaving me feeling broken and gross. I haven’t felt this bad since my addiction days.

“Is that where you’re going?” I growl again.

I can feel my control stretching, stretching. She looks away from me. It snaps.

“Fine, you want them so fucking much? Let’s do it.” I pull out my gun and check the chamber. Enough to take out her entire pack.

I glance at her, but there’s no fear on her face. Just sadness.

She still hasn’t said a word. I push her into the car and slam the door closed. For a moment, I wonder about what I’m doing, but I drown out that thought with pain. I get in the driver’s side, and Lia suddenly panics, but it’s too late, the door’s locked. I reach across her, slam her seatbelt into place, and start the car.

I turn to look at her and find her staring at me with big, bruised eyes.

“Tell me what you fucking want, Lia! Just speak. Talk to me, damn it!”

She doesn’t say a word.

A loud growl shatters our silence, and I start the car.

“Fine. Let’s go for a drive.”

She turns away, looking out the window as I fishtail out of the driveway.

Lia turns to look at me, staring at my face. I clench my teeth and focus on driving to the one place I swore I would never go.

I stomp on thebreaks, and Lia lets out a little gasp that threatens to break me. To shatter my resolve.

“What are we doing here, Ianto?” Her voice is husky from disuse, but there’s still no emotion in it.

“I’m giving you a choice. I’m giving you what you want because I’m such a good alpha!” Pushing open the door requires all my willpower. I don’t want to do this. I take a breath and try to calm down. “Every promise I make is like the word of Zaden to me, so hear me well. I will always show you the truth, even if it’s ugly. The others will protect you, but I’ll show you, and if you want them, then so be it, but at least it will be your choice,” I mutter the words as much to her as to myself.