As much as my body was craving a physical connection, the need to tap in emotionally was just as strong, so I relaxed against his chest and absorbed the moment for what it was. His actions spoke to the man he wanted to be in my life.
I couldn’t believeI was doing this shit. That was the first thought I had when my sister pulled up in front of Clue’s place with me riding shotgun. She would have come without me and if anyone put their hands on Sameena that would be an entire problem, so here the fuck I was.
“You sure you want to do this?”
Sameena swung her eyes in my direction as she raked her fingers through her braids, twisting them into a bun on top of her head.
“Hell yeah I’m sure. No matter what was between us, I would never fuck with his money. She fucking fired me because his new bitch is pregnant. That’s messed up.”
I glanced at the townhouse and exhaled a sigh. “I told you this was going to happen. I’ve been telling you for months to find a new job, Meen.”
“I don’t want a new job. The money I make is crazy and I really don’t do shit to earn it.”
“Because it was a hook up.Hiscousin. Her loyalty is to him, not you. She just proved how loyal she is to him. Even if he fixes this, do you really want to work for her knowing she’ll choose Clue over you every single time? Also knowing that one phone call puts you back in the same position?”
“I want my fucking job until I figure out something else,” she sneered.
Clue’s cousin Jerrica was a real estate broker. She had three agents under her and not one of them touched a property—residential or commercial—unless it was a million plus. Jerricahired Sameena a few months after my sister and Clue started dating.
The money was decent enough but what my sister loved more than the money was the freedom to move around like she wanted. Her main job was entering contracts. Occasionally she did viewings when one of the agents couldn’t make it, but outside of that, she was basically a personal assistant to Jerrica. The other plus was being given comps Jerrica didn’t want, like gift cards to spas, restaurants, and lavish hotel stays. Sameena loved the luxurious lifestyle and working for Jerrica offered this.
“And when he refuses, then what?”
“Then I’m beating his ass. You coming or not?”
I rolled my eyes. My sister knew the answer. She wouldn’t back down and I wouldn’t let her pull up on him alone.
“Let’s go.” I yanked the handle to get out and followed my sister to his door. Clue lived in a townhouse in a gated community. No access in or out without the owner's permission. Sameena’s code still worked, which was another issue. Clue knew my sister as well as I did and had to know she would pull up. This was about to be a shit show!
When we reached his door, I grabbed her hand before the crazy in her rose to an uncontrollable level.
“If she’s here, you do not put your hands on her. Assaulting a pregnant woman is a guaranteed charge, Meen. His stupid ass loves this shit and won’t do anything about you showing your ass but she might. Do not put your fucking hands on her.”
“I won’t as long as she keeps hers off me.” She shrugged and began banging on the door. I let her so we could get this over with while I prayed we both didn’t end up downtown.
“Why the fuck are you on my doorstep, Meen?” He spoke through the Ring doorbell, letting me know my prayers weren’t going to be answered. This would definitely go left.
“You know why. Open the fucking door, coward. If that bitch is in there, I promise not to beat her ass.”
“Go home.”
“Open the door or I’m going to break all these damn windows.” She kicked at the glass panel next to the door several times until he gave in and opened the door. As soon as his face was in view, my sister punched him as hard as she could and he grinned, unfazed, and shifted his eyes to me, wiping blood from his mouth.
“I’m surprised you’re encouraging this bullshit. You’re usually the levelheaded one.”
“Not when it comes to my sister.”
“Why the fuck would you get me fired?” Sameena shoved him in the chest. When he took a step back, she followed him inside.
“What is she doing here, Derek?”
My sister’s eyes narrowed and I grabbed her arm because she was prepared to lunge at the poor girl. “Not happening.”
“Go upstairs, Tee,” he stated calmly but his tone still delivered in a way that felt condescending.
“I’m not leaving untilshedoes.” This simple hoe. Getting between Clue and my sister was not a safe place to be.
He glanced over his shoulder and her stupid ass shut up and did as she was told.