“Because that shit is illogical as fuck and doesn’t make sense.”
“Butwemake sense. Illogical or not, girl math works.”
I kissed him and his hands moved up my back. The soothing movement of his fingers across my skin settled the anxiety that occasionally lingered when I overprocessed whether or not this was something solid or just a temporary fix for him.
“Yeah we work. I’m all in as long as you are.”
“And by all in you mean…?” I questioned, slowly grinding on his lap.
“That you tell me about your parents so I don’t fuck this up when I meet them.”
“My parents are easy. You can’t fuck it up.”
“I’m a thirty-three year old felon with a son. That damn sure isn’t a father’s dream pick for his daughter.” His voice wasteasing but I sensed the underlying conflict he felt for his current situation.
“You don’t believe my father will think you’re good enough for me?”
His arms locked around my back and pulled me into his chest. “Nah, baby. I know I’m good enough. I have a lot to offer. When I care, I prove it daily with everything that I am. There’s nothing I won't do for the people who are important in my life. A real man will always respect the efforts of a real man.”
“Then why don’t you think my father would see that in you?”
“He will, just not right away. Seeing how I show up for you will take time. Truthfully, if he doesn’t want to give me the time to prove that no matter what my circumstances are I will give everything that I am to make you happy, then he will never fucking know the type of man I will be for you.”
My heart clenched and I blinked several times before my smile took over my face. Grand frowned in confusion. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong. My father is going to love you.”
“You’re optimistic as hell but I fuck with it.” He laughed lightly, lifting his head to kiss me.
“You literally just said exactly what my father told me the last time we discussed my poor choices with men.”
“Basically you have a history of dating men your father doesn’t approve of.” He arched a brow and I shrugged.
“I’m a woman who was raised by a man who provided the standard of what a real man should be. I made it my sole purpose in life to date the opposite of that standard.”
He frowned, shaking his head. “Which basically means I’m fucked when it comes to your father.”
I smiled slowly. “No, you’re not. I have a feeling he’s going to love you.”
“How the fuck you come to that?”
“I told him he hates every guy I date and he said he doesn’t. He only hates how they treat me. If I meet a man who loves me the way I deserve to be loved and shows up for me, then he’ll fully support the relationship.”
“I feel like you’re setting me up but I’m gonna roll with it. Regardless, I meant what I said. I’m all in.”
“Technically…” I ground my hips on him again. “You’re not all in, but you can be.”
“Nah, no sex right now. I’ve given you more orgasms than conversation.”
“Talking is overrated. You should let your actions speak for you.” I rocked against his dick, which was hard and thick beneath me. My persistence brought a sexy smile to his face.
“Me not fucking you right now is a reflection of my actions speaking for me. Sex is temporary. Emotions and feelings are not. I’m too damn old to be involved with a woman I don’t see or want a future with beyond a physical connection.”
“You want a future with me.” I grinned like a child on Christmas morning.
“I want whatever you’re willing to give but I’m asking for a commitment that we’re in this for the long term.”
His fingers pushed through the hair at the nape of my neck and he brought my mouth down to his. The kiss was a promise of his commitment to the future he was asking for, leaving no room for me to question just how much he was invested in doing his part.