I had no idea what to do with those feelings, but not knowing also didn’t stop me from wanting Saniya. I fucking wanted her and that pissed me off. Stepping off the elevator seeing Saniya with another man was the last thing I envisioned tonight and the anger blazing through my veins damn sure wasn’t the reaction I expected.
She wasn’t mine.
I wasn’t hers.
Her eyes followed my movements but that was the only way she acknowledged me and that also pissed me the fuck off. Even now, watching the curve of her lips and the softness of her eyes while she laughed and smiled in another muthafucker’s face had me torn. Aleah was the only woman I’d ever felt possessive over and we’d shared years. I didn’t know a damn thing about Saniya other than she had me conflicted.
And I wanted every inch of her.
“Just go holler at her, cuz.”
I turned toward Tali who was staring in another direction. He motioned for someone to join us and my eyes left, him noticing a woman and her friend whispering to each other. Both were wearing extremely short, revealing dresses that offered a lot of skin and curves. They were pretty and alsoeagerbased on the seductive smiles and the way their eyes traveled over me and Tali.
“That’s for you, right?” I pointed and he flashed a smile.
“Seems that way, and again, why the fuck won’t you just go holler at her?” There was no point in denying the obvious. So when he turned to the corner where Saniya was sitting with ol’ boy, I followed his line of sight. He had his arms stretched across the back of the seating and she was next to him. They looked cozy and too fucking familiar.
Did she cheat on him with me?
“Why would I do that?”
“Because you’ve been grilling the fuck out of her since we got up here. She keeps pretending she’s interested in ol’ boy but every five minutes she’s not so discreetly checking for you.”
“She’s probably scared I’m gonna tell her man I know what her pussy tastes like.”
Tali’s eyes narrowed, then he grinned, shaking his head. “I knew it.” He paused and glanced toward Saniya’s section. It wasacross from ours which was the only reason we had visual access to what they were doing. Each individual area was constructed of smoked glass walls on three sides but the front was open, allowing limited access to the rest of the club. “Are you?”
“Am I what?”
“Going to tell her dude you fucked?”
I glared at him and his smile expanded, causing Tali to shrug. “I’m only asking because you look mad as hell.”
“I’m not mad, just curious to know why she was with me if she has him.”
“Do you really care?”
“Then focus on something else.” He turned his attention to the two women he’d waved over. I guess they had to discuss whether or not they wanted to accept the offer. “Ladies…” Tali motioned for them to have a seat. The shorter of the two filled the spot next to me and the other damn near sat in Tali’s lap.
“Is this your section?” And there it was, their entire reason for being over engaged. We had the looks, but paired with this expensive ass section they had an easy come up for the evening. Tali was given the section from a client who did a tradeoff for a tattoo. A two grand section for a five hundred dollar piece on his calf.
The woman next to me leaned in and placed her fingers so high on my thigh that her nails grazed my dick but I moved her hand. “His.”
She smiled, taking me in then slowly raking a nail over my crotch. “But you’re with him. What do you do?”
“Not this.” Out the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of all black. My eyes shifted to the VIP entrance just in time to catch Saniya leaving. I frowned when I did a quick search and found the guy she was with standing at the bar in the corner leaning into the face of another woman. He had a tight grip on her hipwhich he used to keep her anchored to his body while his mouth kept finding its way to her neck and shoulder.
“I’ll be back,” I mumbled to Tali and stood, leaving him with the two women, knowing that even if she was disappointed about my absence he wouldn’t be. I took the elevator back down to the first level, peering through the glass until I located Saniya moving in the direction of a hallway near the back center of the club instead of toward the front door.
Damn, that’s fucked up. She’s heading to the bathroom and he’s kicking it to another woman.
But she fucked me.
Maybe that’s their thing.
I bent the corner to the hallway just in time to see her slip into one of the private stalls. The hall was lined with an arrangement of doors alternating in green and black obscured glass. Luckily she entered the second one; so when I picked up my pace I managed to catch the door before it closed completely. I moved inside, pulled the door closed, and turned the lock, pressing my shoulders against the smoked glass.