“What the fuck do you want?” Saniya’s eyes narrowed in annoyance and I smirked when I noticed she also checked me out at the same time.
“To know if you’re a cheater or if you have some weird shit going on that gives you both a free pass to fuck other people.”
Her eyes narrowed more right before she rolled them. “Making you cum doesn’t provide an open invitation to my personal shit.”
I chuckled at her throwing my words from the other night back at me. “Who says you made me cum? Answer the question, Saniya.”
“You first.” She tilted her head to the side in protest and folded her arms over her chest, bringing my attention to them. The sheer top she wore exposed a lace bra and a lot of skin. Skinmy mouth and tongue were painfully familiar with and had my dick thickening.
“I don’t want to discuss my past in a club bathroom.”
“And you think I want to discuss my relationship in one?”
I pushed away from the door and crowded her space. She let me, but I didn’t touch her. “Less than a week ago, I had my mouth on your pussy.” I leaned down close to her ear. “And I wouldn’t mind doing it again, but whether or not that happens depends on your answer. I might be a felon, but I’m not a cheater. There’s nothing appealing to me about picking up another man’s slack. I’m more of a ‘pussy is my priority as long as my dick is’ type of man and when her pussy is my priority, other men don’t exist.”
She was temporarily stunned but then smiled and shook her head. “I have no clue how to respond to that type of arrogance, but regardless, my position is still the same. You want my personal shit, then give me yours.”
I was about to make an incredibly stupid decision. “Did you drive?”
“Your boyfriend gonna be mad if you leave him?”
She arched a brow. “Who said I was leaving?”
“You want my story. I’m not giving it to you here.”
“Okay.” She lifted a hand and pointed to the door. “But I have to pee, so can I have a minute or would you like to watch?”
“I’ll wait outside.” I leaned on the wall across from the stall she occupied, half expecting her to come out and say she changed her mind. Part of me wished she would because handing over my story meant addressing a past I used as an excuse to stay disconnected.
When I had eyes on her again and she stepped in front of me, I waited to see what the move would be.
“Am I following you?”
“I rode with Tali. If you’re cool with it, I’ll ride with you.”
“You trust me?”
“No.” She rolled her eyes and turned to walk away and I chuckled, knowing she hated this as much as I did.
As soon aswe made it to my place, I tossed my jacket on the arm of the sofa and headed to the kitchen. She remained by the door, looking uncomfortable like she hadn’t been here four days ago with my face buried between her thighs.
“Can I get you anything?”
“No, I’m fine,” she mumbled, looking around my place as if she were seeing it for the first time. I entered the kitchen and grabbed two bottles of water, even though she said she was good. When I re-entered the living room and settled on the sofa, I pointed to the spot next to me.
“You gonna stand there until you decide whether or not you like what I have to say?” I smirked and she returned one.
“Figured I might as well hang out here just in case we have a repeat of you throwing me out like last time.”
“I fucked you first so you’re safe until we get to the part where I tell you to leave.”
Saniya laughed, shaking her head, but crossed the room and filled the spot next to me. She shrugged out of her jacket and placed it on top of mine. The sofa was on the small side so when she turned her back to the arm, facing me at an angle, and lifted her knee onto the base cushion, it brushed against my leg.
“I didn’t cheat on aboyfriendwith you and no we’re not into weird shit. Neshawn is myex.”
I kept my expression neutral and stared at her. She grinned. “You don’t believe me?”